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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: I have an idea
Oh yeah, what's that?
Red: Since we've been getting lots of new boarders here at the dorms, we should have a welcoming party
Oh Red, you and your parties! Any excuse to throw one right?
Red: Well, I really do want to welcome people.
Ok, what do you have in mind?
Red: A swimming party down at the pool on Saturday
I should've known! Ok, do we want to have food and all that fun stuff?
Red: Of course! A party isn't a party without food!
We'd better make a list of what we'll need
Red: And we need to spread the word. What's the fastest way? Hmm, I'll post an invitation on each floor by the bathrooms, everyone visits the bathrooms.
That's a great idea!
*Red works on poster that says:
"Come to the Swimming Party and Chase the Blues Away! Meet and mingle with new Dormers! Saturday from 1:00 to whenever at the Muppet College Pool! Swimming is optional. There will be food, but you can also bring some to share! Call Red Fraggle or Beth in room 3 with questions. See you there!" Red then goes and posts on each floor by bathrooms*
Red: Whoopie! This will be fun!


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*Coming out of the bathroom, sees the poster for the party. Calls Red and Beth's room, in the hopes that they might still be awake. Leaves a message on their machine.*
Hi girls, I just read the invitation for the party. I think it will be a wonderful oportunity for all of us to get to know each other. I am glad you made swimming optional though, as it is something that I could not do to save my life, literally. I'll be their though, probably stuffing myself at the food table, and I will try to bring some more goodies from home. See you their.
Anyway, it has been a vary busy day for Lou and I, and I felt it would be rude of me to turn in without saying good night to anyone. So good night, and pleasant dreams to all.
Good night Lou.
Lou: Good night, Kate. By the way, will I disturb you in the morning doing my excercises? Gotta stay fit, you know.
I know. *groans* Your a better person than me, Lou. Just as long as you don't force me to work out with you, whatever you want to do is all right.
Lou: Not tomorrow, but some day it will happen.
I don't think so. Good night, again.
Lou: Good night, Kate


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Getting home from work.......

Ohhhh what a day. Boy am I pooped.

Grover: So am I.

*Both fall over on the couch*

Cookie M: We just got new borders.


Grover: More monsters?

Herry: Nope. Another fraggle. Her roomater is Kate. She seems nice.

Meet her yet?

Herry: Nope. Just heard how she seems.

We've got to go meet her. Let me and Grover get some comfortable clothes on.

Herry: Ready when you are.

A minute goes by.....

*knock knock* Cool looking knocker!

Cookie M: Wish we have one.

Herry: Why not ask Ed. He might make us one.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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*Hears knocking at the door, and answers it.* Good morning, gentlemen. I'm Kate, and this is Lou Fraggle. I'm sure you remember her, Kyle.
Lou: *to the monsters* I've heard of you. You're from Sesame Street, right? It's a pleasure to meet you all.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Morning Red!
Red: Morning Beth. Did you get the message from Kate?
Yes I did, her and Lou are going to come to the party.
Red: Yea! It will be so much fun!
We should go shopping today for all the food stuff we need.
Red: Yes and then I'm going to make a c.d. of fun party music!
That's a great idea! This will be fun!
Red: It sure will!
Well, better get our day started. Have a good day everyone!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Fragglemuppet said:
*Hears knocking at the door, and answers it.* Good morning, gentlemen. I'm Kate, and this is Lou Fraggle. I'm sure you remember her, Kyle.
Lou: *to the monsters* I've heard of you. You're from Sesame Street, right? It's a pleasure to meet you all.
*shakes hands with Kate and Lou* Yes I do. Your one of the sillyest fraggles.

Cookie M: Me Cookie Monster.

Herry: Herry Monster is mine.

Gorver: Grover Monster is me.

Its nice to meet other borders. We'll anytime your need anything just call on here Grover. He has lots of jobs. He works at Wal-mart in the deli. Thats where I work and Herry. Cookie and Oscar don't work but thats because Cookie hasn't found what he wants to work. To many place won't take a cookie eatting monster. Talk to ya'll later. *goes back to room 26*


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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*rings red*

"Hello. I'll be coming to your party. Is ther anything you'd like me to bring?...ok then. Yeah. Bye Red."

Beau wonders in on the last word.

Beau: Oh. Red. Ok.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Me: Party?? *sees time* Ouch. This weekend. Can't make it. Oh well, let's go ask Red and Beth if she needs anything before we head out for the weekend.
Sprocket: Bark, woof, arf!
Me: Yes, you are going to meet Panda and Ellie. I've never seen a dog so anxious to meet to girl pu....Sprocket! You should be ashamed!
Sprocket: *dips head with a soft whine*
Me: *trying not to laugh* *cracks a smile* C'mon boy. It's okay.
Gobo: I don't understand a thing that went on here.
Me: I'll explain it to you later.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm, thought Cookie Monster already had a job as the Cookie Inspector/Detector on SS. Oh well...

*Bats leave knocker for Kyle and Monsters. Hope they like it. Thought they already had a chocolate chip cookie on their door with the number 26 made out of chocolate chips, but since the dorms reopened not sure if they kept that. Anyway, the knocker incorporates a little bit of everyone Kyle's got as roomies. The main body is a cylindrical trashcan, with a helmet like Super Grover's on top, the barbells attached to the can's sides as a brace to act like the knocker, and a chocolate chip cookie porthole that opens up for him to see who's on the other side of the door before opening.
Hope they like it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hey...more dorm mates!
Hiya Kate & Lou! I'm Kathy.Welcome to Muppet College Dorms
Prairie:And I'm Prairie Dawn. You guys'll love it here! :smile:
I can't wait until the party.
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