At the swim meet
Well, I certainly hope Red isn't too nervous. She was gone before I even got up this morning! There certainly are alot of people and all walks of Muppets here! I'm glad I dressed for the occasion, it is certainly warm here at the pool! Ooh, they're getting started and Red's up first!
Announcer: First up, the triple flip and twirl dive. Divers are Red Fraggle for the Muppet Team and Joe Diver for the Non Muppet Team. Divers take your positions.
*whistle blows*
*Red leaps up and does a perfect three flips and then twirls in mid air before hitting the water. Joe Diver leaps up and only manages two flips and forgets the twirl.*
Announcer: Red Fraggle did an excellent dive. It looks like Joe had some trouble. Let's see what the judges say.
*Judges hold up signs for Red*
Announcer: Let's see, Red gets a 9.9, 9.8, 9.9. 9.8, 6.6? Big Bird, are you sure you mean 6.6.?
Big Bird: Oops! I showed it upside down didn't I? I meant 9.9, she was really good!
Announcer: Thank you Big Bird. Joe Diver gets a 8.7, 8.8, 9.0, 8.9, 8.7 which means Red Fraggle moves on to tomorrow's competion and Joe is eliminated. Our next dive will feature (he continues)
Red won! I knew she could do it! I have to go and congratulate her! Now she just has to get through the finals tomorrow!