Note to Kyle: I had no problem with you using Red, she fit in quite well with your song! Just wanted you to know that.
Me: Hi Red, I'm back from choir practice!
Red: How did it go?
Me: Pretty good! Guess what else?
Red: What?
Me: My mom said my grandma went home from the hospital tonight!
Red: HOME home?
Me: Yep! Apparently she did a 180 degree turn today and was able to get off the oxygen.
Red: Thats great!
Me: we're going to be cautiously optimistic though, she's still 91 which is getting up there, so she could still go any day, but it seems she pulled through this time!
Red: I'm happy for you!
Me: Well, I'm still glad I have you and all of our friends here at the Muppet College to lean on when things aren't so great.
Red: Or to just have fun with! Speaking of fun, Kathy was debating whether or not to go visit a friend because she'll be an hour awayfrom her dad. I think Prairie talked her into it though.
Me: I hope she decides to go, she deserves to have some fun! And it's good to visit friends!
Red: Gonna watch some dvd's before going to bed?
Me: yeah, I was thinking some Garfield. Always good for a laugh!
Good night Muppet Dormmates! You're all awesome! Thanks for cheering me up these past couple of days!