Claudia: That sig? Oh, don't worry I'm no madhouse.
You see, that siggy leads people to a trailer about the truth
behind the labeling of shrinks, real purpose of (they don't heal anything) mental-healing drugs, and the purpose of the FDA. It's really cruel on what they do to people.
Eh, it's not graphic at all--really suitable for the forums! It just gives out little facts most people will be shocked at. can tell I'm against psychiatry.
Anyway, when I get the chance, I'll update my sig to something usual! :3
Dude, you're right! I sooo have to get back to writing fics...even though I have no reason to neglect it so 'cause I'm feeling pretty darn good....o_o unless thou givest me cookies. XD
Dr. Van Neuter: *Bonks her on the head*