Storyteller: (sorting epics) You look tied up in knots, reporter lady.
Erin: I just learned that I'm starting an internship on Monday. I thought I'd have a little bit more down time, and, it's just, well...
Storyteller: (snort) You were one of the star reporters at the school paper. And you can probably write rings around some of the pros.
Erin: Yeah, I know. But you know me; I get butterflies in my stomach over just about anything.
Beige: What, do you eat caterpillars for breakfast or something? (looks around) And where's the bookshop girl?
Scooter: She was off having dinner at her family's house. She should be back...(hears door slam) right about now.
(Nora enters, looking exhausted)
Storyteller: So, how was dinner?
Nora: The food was okay. Dealing with the terror twins and the scary scout was not.
Erin: Uh-oh, what happened?
Nora: Well, I took the twins to see the new Indy flick, ya Caitlin's been running around wearing a fedora and cracking a whip at anything that moves, and Stuart's been trying his hand at snake-handling...
Scooter: Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?
Storyteller: And little Heather?
Nora: (wrinkling her nose) Little? (leans back against the wall) She's going for her Scouting Girls merit badge in self-defense. Except for her, that involves kicking and punching anyone who gets within two feet of her. (shows off two ugly bruises on her left shin)
Beige: (singing) "Everybody was kung-fu fighting..."