For some reason, my E-mail composer isn't working right. So, for redboobergurl and everyone's benefit... here's a copy of the current register here at the dorms.
Room #1: The Count (MC) and the Count von Count.
Room #2: Barry Lee and Sweetums.
Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
Room #5: Vic Romano and Bert and Ernie.
Room #6: Katsy428 and Prairie Dawn.
Room #7: Mupitz and Mokey Fraggle.
Room #10: tutter_fan and Bear.
Room #13: TuttertheMouse and Statler and Waldorf.
Room #14: Beauregard (MC) and Beauregard.
Room #18: Christyb and Scooter.
Room #20: Uncle Deadly (MC) and Pepe the King Prawn.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
Room #23: Whatever and Robin the Frog.
Room #24: Aaron and Rowlf The Dog.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Room #27: floydnjanicefan and Telly Monster.
Room #30: BethC and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
Room #31: Homerthegreat and Animal.
Room #33: JaniceFerSure and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.
Room #35: Doctor Teeth and Janice, Lips, and Boober Fraggle.
Room #37: Frogster and Wembley Fraggle.
Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan) and Link Hogthrob.
Room #52: Radioboy and Thog.
Room #55: FraggleRocks and Miss Piggy.
Room #56: G-Man and Rizzo the Rat.
Room #58: Philo&Gunge and Philo, Gunge, and Clifford.
Room #59: Luke and Gonzo the Great.
wwfpooh has asked to room with Jill Monster but still haven't asked for a room, guess they'll come back whenever they feel like it.
Oscar The Grouch currently resides in the Floor 2 Common Room's trashcan, Kyle want to talk to you about that.
Other than that, you can pick any other Muppet character and vacant room to reside in here at the dorms. Just ring the bell at the lobby desk and I'll accomodate you ASAP.