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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Thanks Bryan. I'll try that. One step at a time. Thanks again Bryan. *waves good bye to Bryan who's just a few steps away* Hmmmm i think i remember Big Bird telling me of a song him and his freinds sang. Now just remember it. *thinks for a few minutes* I got it! Now i remembered. Ok everyone get some twigs from outside.

Few minutes later.........

Ok. Everyone have some twigs?

Everyone: Yes!

Good. Here goes.

(music starts)

Me: Twig by twig building it together
Bit by bit every stick has got a place
Every little sprik can play a part
Every little leaf will fill a space

Herry: Will you look at that
we've made a start

Everyone: Building it together
Twig by twig

Grover: All we really need is corporation

Baby Bear: And a lot of determination

Everyone: Building it together
Twig by twig

(a little music in between)

Me: *speaking* Oh we might need some string
and twine and some more twigs. Well at least i
listen to Big Bird for once. Not to say that i don't but...

Everyone: Kyle!

Me: Sorry.

*music continues*

Little Bird: Twig by twig
building it together
Branch by branch
over here we need a
little twine
Over there a bit of string
It's this a wonderful design.
How about a feather from my wing?

Zoe: All we need is a little corporation

Murray: And a lot of determination

Little Bird: Don't forget about imagination

Me: The Arts of building nest
is building them together

Everyone: Twig by twig

Little Bird: Nest aren't easy
but i know what to do
Gotta put the twigs
around like so
Gotta get some mud
to be our glue

Oscar: Did somebody say mud?

Maurice: *grabs the bucket of mud*

Herry: Gotta get it right
So take it slow

Little Bird: Putting it together
Twig by twig

Zoe: *carring more twigs* Friend by friend putting it toge..*slips down*

Murray: *picking Zoe up* Pal by pal..

Me: Gotta build a nest for Little Bird to sleep

Baby Bear: Gotta have a place for him to rest

Grover: Gotta give it all that we can give

Me: Gotta help the bird in everyway

Everyone: Building it together...

Little Bird: Friend by firend

Me: The art of make nest
is building them together
twig by twig, leaf by leaf
friend by firend...

Everyone: And that's how we build Little Bird's neeeesssst!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Few hours later.......

Glad we finally got your nest built.

Little Bird: *in his nest* Thank...you....Kyle.

Don't thank me. You helped too.

Herry: We all helped.

Murray: And it was fun.

I'm going to head to bed. So i'll see ya'll in the morning. Good night guys and girl.

Zoe: Good night Kyle. I guess i need to head to bed too.

Maurice: I think we all do.

Baby Bear: I hear yea. I'll sleep on the wee little couch.

Little Bird: Good...night Zoe and Baby Bear.

Baby Bear: Good night LB.

Zoe: Good night Little Bird. Sleep tight.

Grover: Good night everyboddieeeee!

As everyone drefted off to sleep a grouchy voice is heard, "Muppet Dorms were brought to you by the letter "F" and by the number "5". Muppet Dorms is a prouction of the Muppet Central Forms. Rotten dreams everyone. Heh heh heh heh heh heh......"


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: I'm back

BABY BEAR: I thought you were in Connectiut

PETER: The people there had other plans


PETER: How did it go with Kyle

ZOE: Awesome and Murray was fun and Grover was cool

PETER: Oh I'm Glad

LITTLE BIRD: They built a Nest Just for me!

PETER: Oh, People care about everybody! (calls Kyle thanking him for the sleepover)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Claudia: *Packing her stuff*

Bunsen: Where are you going?

Claudia: Silly, it's almost the last day of the month and you know what that means!

Bunsen: You mean--you're not staying?

Beaker: *Gasp*

Claudia: Maybe not, I think you'll enjoy whoever else moves into this room.

Bunsen: But who'll come to my need when Beaker is out doing some errands?

Beaker: *Hugs Claudia*

Claudia: It'll be a little calmer in here that's for sure. *Smiles warmly* I actually made some cookies for you two in the oven. Go get em'...chocochips!

Bunsen: Thank you, I guess though I can't help but think you have not been here all that long.

Claudia: :3 AWWW are you crying?

Bunsen: *Sniffles a bit* Me? Oh never! I simply had a microscopic germ caught in my eye.

Claudia: *Laughs outloud* XD HAHAHA!

Beaker: *stifles a giggle*

Bunsen: Oh thank you for being SO caring.

Claudia: Awwww, you know how silly I am. *Huggles*

Beaker: Mee!

Claudia: That's right! I can still see you guys til Monday which is when I move out. : )

Bunsen: Oh! In that case! Can you help me do some research paper?

Claudia: No experimenting? O_O *Getting heart attack*

Bunsen: Why is it that people fancy the thought of a Scientist having a twisted play with chemicals? I for one actually am glad I am just using my head and a sheet of paper to note down much needed facts. It assists me more with my projects and it's much much easier than to look incredibly ingenius by just stirring some colorless liquid while tolerating the irritating odor that is...chemicals. Besides, I get hot wearing my lab coat!

*Takes it off happily and hangs it*

Claudia: *Faints*

Beaker: MEEP!

Bunsen: Gee, as if I've never had a suit on before. *Shakes head* I don't ALWAYS wear a lab coat you know? Get the chili sauce--extra spicy.

Beaker: Meee. *Covers eyes as he is about to get it*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *knocks on Claudia's door* Hey there, what's this I hear about you not moving back in next semester? You're the life of the Dorms lately, Claudia! You've gotta stay!
Gonzo: I thought I was the life of the Dorms!
Ryan: Shh! I'm trying to be sentimental!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm... Nice cool weather here. Gonna take a bit of an afternoon nap, for some reason I'm a bit tired. Might finally get that next haunter done or that fanfic about the gofer I've been toying with, hope Claudia got the descript I sent.

At any rate... Sure could use a good dose of fanfic updates.
*Falls a-snoozin' on his bed.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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Claudia: *Opens it* Aw, thanks Ryan--er *Looks into "Being The Life Slang Book"* Foshizzle my brotha whom I am talking too because I am the Jolly Roger to the fudger!

Bunsen: Of course you are Gonzo and Claudia no offense but you're worse than me.

Claudia: Yah, you are totally right. *throws book to her shelf but breaks one of Bunsen's models* Oops!

Bunsen: You're going to make me a new Atom after this...

Claudia: *giggle*

Beaker: Mee!

Claudia: Thanks Ryan. I am packing just in case my schedule won't allow me to be so active in the dorms besides I've got that plan all fixed up--now to type it all on my comp. It's gonna blow your socks off!

Bunsen: Shizzle?

Claudia: Shiznet dude.

Beaker: *Head to desk* MEEP! *Pops up in gangster clothing*

Bunsen: >_> Beaker, lift your pants a bit.

Beaker: Meep!

Claudia: That's actually the style Bunsen...now for the bandana...



Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *blink* The cool doesn't really work for you... Anyway, I'm not even wearing socks, but I get what you're saying.
Gonzo: Could you explain it to me, please?
Ryan: I'll tell you when you're older.
Gonzo: I'm older than you are!
Ryan: Shh, you're spoiling the imagery.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? Spoiling the imagery? How can you do that? Does it have an expiration date? Are we playing Questions Only again? Will you post more fanfic? Will you buy me a Muppet? Why don't you love me? Daddy!

*This post has been brought to you by the fine folks at Dementco. Supplying all your insane quote needs since MMXCCIIX.
And now for something completely different but completely the same.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *blinks at Ed* And they say I'M bad on coffee... anyway, to answer a few of your questions, Ed... No expiration date. No, we're not playing questions only. Not for awhile. No way. I never said that. I'm not your daddy.
Clifford: Nice.
Ryan: *wipes brow* Thanks.
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