Muppet Chess Set Problem


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2004
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When you turn the pieces over and look at the bottom, can you see up inside the piece, or is there an acual, sealed, flat bottom? Mine are the empty kind, so filling them with something would be pretty easy...thats what I meant by hollow. It sounds like the same material the HP pieces are made of...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2004
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Magnets...then all the pieces would be sticking to each other!

Sorry, that was dumb for me to say I guess. :smile:

Animal Jam alsk

New Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Magnets and Hallow pieces

The pieces I have are not hallow but are solid on the bottom.

As for the magnet idea, there are lots of magnet chess sets out there - that's where the idea came from. You can pick up a magnetic chessboard and then get little sticky magnet tabs to put on the bottoms of these pieces. This magnet, while relatively weak, should be enough to hold the piece, up without it attracting to other "nearby" pieces.

I'm planning on tryign this as soon as I can find a decent sized magnetic board. Any recommendations?



Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2004
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hi, I understand what you mean by the pieces falling over, but I don't think you have the same sets as those that were for sale at Kristin Krause's site in about 1999. I suggested she sell those direct from the wholesaler. She is now out of those, and they are out of production.

I still have 3 to 4 for sale at our store:

The Woodmasters sets from 1999 did not come in a tin can. It was a large green cardboard box (see picture on our online store.) The can set is slightly different, and was sold at Barnes & Noble stores, among others, last fall, 2003. The pieces that don't stand up must be crooked at the base in the vinyl molding. If you can return the set to the store, and exchange it for another set, it might be a good idea. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2003
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Zack the Dog said:
Gee that's sad, did you guys know this is a rerelease of the Muppet chess board, not sure when it came out, 1999 i think, i bought mine from in 2001 but they don't have anymore now. The origanal set had a nicer board and all the peices would stand well, it didn't come in a nice tin but the quality of the game it's self is very nice. too bad they went cheeper with this new set. :sympathy:
I have one of the older ones as well, and played a nice game of chess on Sunday with one of my puppet nerd friends ( :wink:)

Since the pieces are made of some kind of soft plastic/hard rubber, I've been able to bend the Rizzo pawns so that they stand up straight and don't fall over.

One thing my friend and I noticed is that the action on the board is a lot harder to follow, since the pieces are all the same size, and identically colored save for the bases.

-- Scraps