And, I also just have to agree with my guy's other post here, too. William and I were just lucky enough to find each other here. We believe it was meant to happen this way. I never was completely sure if I believed it when people would say "Stop looking because you'll find that one special person when you least expect it." And I'm certainly not saying that's always the way it happens, but that's definitely the way it happened for William and me! It's amazing how you can find that one true love, and for William and me, it was that natural.
I've seen a few other posts in here with people saying that they want to avoid long distance relationships, and I do understand that. But sometimes, that special person does live, like, 9,000 miles away, and if you try to avoid that, you could be missing out on such amazing happiness with that person. Long distance relationships can be tough, but if you do meet someone special long distance... and if you're lucky and if you have the chance to make it work with them, definitely try and go for it! It can be so worth it.
I'm even sick of my talking now!!

And I really wish everyone here who's looking for that special someone the absolute best of luck.