That's the issue I have with Fox. Their usual pattern is to glorify their terrible behavior, make excuses for it while playing the victim, or try to delete it from the web and rebroadcasts so they can pretend it never happened. It's a rare day that they ever take responsibility for any wrongdoing.
I'll never forget this net example. I forget when it was exactly, but it was near the end of the Bush era. I was searching for pictures on the internet of Quagmire from Family Guy, and lo and behold the first result I got was a Fox News report on how the word "Quagmire" has been thrown around too much describing the then unpopular with
everybody Iraq war.
This was when they were
bad, but not as awful as recent years... but you know what that says? It says "
Sure, we were probably wrong about that war,
BUT everyone else is worse for rubbing it in our faces." That is
the business model they've grown on. Angry, hateful talking points that turn into either parody retcons (like Megyn's idiotic Santa comments) or twisting them into being the victims when they're called on it, and then cherry picking some minor (yet stupid) infraction on the opposing side and blowing it out of proportion.
The funny thing is, this MSNBC thing comes to light
just after Phil Robertson's comments, which
were defended by everyone on the right with a loud enough voice and Starscream-y political aspirations (cough cough Palin cough cough and I don't mean Michael cough cough). If someone on the right said the
exact same thing, not only would no one have to apologize, they'd be swamped with supporters who are living in the perpetual imaginary concept that the liberal PC police will (as I said in another thread) jump out of a cookie jar blowing a whistle, like Odie in the Garfield Thanksgiving Special.
It's completely unbalanced in that aspect. If they both had
equal retribution, I wouldn't say a thing.
Anyway, I was shocked by Harris-Perry's behavior. I'm certain that every panel on every cable news network makes such off color jokes during the commercial breaks, but this was a really troubling offense from a college professor and host for whom I had the utmost respect. She really is a remarkable lady. This was not the case on the day the segment aired. MSNBC needs to get their act together. They can bounce-back from this. They swiftely make the appropriate apologies. It just would be great if their recent behavior didn't warrant any.
I think all cable news is crap. I agree completely with Anchorman 2's underlying concept. 24 hours of news sounds convenient, but no one's going to watch it unless you give the audience something to watch (i.e. dumbing things down to an extreme). be it bias, crappy CGI graphics, blowhards, or making national panics about
one thing that happened that one time (i.e. drug use in kids, finding ways around not having drugs, and Twerking- something from over 10 years ago-that's some slippery slope to hard core sex or something to scare old people who thought their parents were prudes when Elvis was popular).
Her comments were dumb, but in a special poorly formed snarky opinion sort of way. In context:
Phil Robertson threw around bible quotes and nasty comparisons cuz gays gross him out, and made terrible statements about Jim Crow laws because he's rich and doesn't want to pay taxes that go to help poor people. Hateful statements to justify outdated, self-important beliefs.
Harris-Perry made a lousy joke about how white a former political figure whom liberals don't like too much is. Passive aggressive snark aimed at...let's face it... a crappy politician even the right only got behind because they didn't want to waste the 2012 election on a rising star (essentially the right wing reversal of the 2004 election and John Kerry) .
No comparison, really. Both are bad, but one's stealing a pack of gum, one's stealing a car at gunpoint.