More Palisades Prototypes on eBay - Sesame, Mayhem PVC's and More


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Hey all! Just saw this thread. Ken has had most of the same protos listed for some time now. The majority of them are the same ones he's had for, if I had to guess, over a year now. His prices have gone up on certain items because he really doesn't want to let them go BUT everything has a price. He told me once that he prices certain protos, like the SS playset for example, extremely high because he wants to have no regretful feelings losing it out of his collection.
I have a respectable collection of both Muppet protos as well as the Sesame Street protos and most of them came from Ken. Soren got his two SS protos from me a while ago when I was thinning out my collection. Glad to hear you still have them, buddy! As of right now I have...
FEP Ernie (w/case and all acessories)
FEP Oscar (w/case and almost all acessories)
FEP Two-Headed Monster (w/case and almost all acessories)
Paint Master Guy Smiley
Paint Master Ernie
Unpainted (Sculpting Pattern) Signature Grover
"Toilet Head" Animal
Proto Signature Rowlf
Checkered Suit Mega Gonzo

If I get a chance this weekend, I'll try to get them out of the curio and get a picture of all of them together.

Hey Count, I know I ask you a lot but any chance of you wanting to sell your MOC SS figs? :wink:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sorry Tim, but no. And they're not MOC, they're loose with all accessories. As a matter of fact, I've got my Muppet Theater, Muppet Labs, and Swedish Kitchen display shelves finally propped up. It's a work in progress, so I'm stalling in getting the other shelves finished.
So you know... Ernie's got his banana in his ear standing next to Kermit at his desk. 2HM's behind the brick wall next to the theater. The Muppet letters flank the hecklers' chairs' legs. Super Grover's standing with the other Supergoofs outside Muppet Labs. Oscar's parked by the kitchen as a special guest of the tuxedoed wedding party.

Maybe someday when it's all done I'll get the balones to negotiate with Ken for the playset and/or Count prototype.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Awesome, Count. You def need to take some pics of that. You did get the clamshells from Tink, right? I'm assuming they are packed away?
As for The Count figure, I'm not 100% sure Ken has that one. I talked to him a while ago and he said he was working on getting some of the potential series 2 figs but he was unsucessful. Of course, that was at least a year ago so things may have changed.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yeah, it's possible the shells are with some other MIB items in our laundry room area, which is part of my bedroom. Will probably find them as progress on setting up the rest of the collection continues.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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The Sesame Street figures are incredible! I so wish this line could've been produced...:sympathy: