More extra features on the Columbia TMS Vol. 6 DVD

Douglas Fir

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
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I was just checking a DVD site and spotted something interesting...

The above is a link to a scan of the back cover to Columbia's upcoming Vol. 6 DVD... if you notice this is the first time they've listed the bonus materials on the back... but they say "and more!" at the end.

I haven't bought any of the previous Colubia ones as I have the Time Life ones but they were all the same content-wise weren't they???

So if anyone picks this release up let us know the "and more" is!

King Prawn

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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i'll be getting this one, i'll let you know if there's any more bonus features apart from what there was the the time-life release.

If no more special features have been added then there should be one Movie Mania Clip, a Muppetism, from the archieves and a hidden fact (as the easteregg). Am I right?

just want to know what exactly the "And more" will be if I find any.

Douglas Fir

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
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King Prawn said:
i'll be getting this one, i'll let you know if there's any more bonus features apart from what there was the the time-life release.

If no more special features have been added then there should be one Movie Mania Clip, a Muppetism, from the archieves and a hidden fact (as the easteregg). Am I right?

just want to know what exactly the "And more" will be if I find any.
Yeah the Time Life Vol. 6 has:

Muppetisms: "Fozzie (Da Bear)"
Movie Mania: "Muppet Screen Tests: I Love Lucy"
From the Archives: "Beaker"

+ the hidden feature:

Did You Know?: "The Flying Zucchini Brothers"

I suppose technically the "and more!" could be the "Did You Know?" fact - but that would be pretty poor use of the enticing phrase "and more!" :eek:


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2002
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Douglas Fir said:
Yeah the Time Life Vol. 6 has:

Muppetisms: "Fozzie (Da Bear)"
Movie Mania: "Muppet Screen Tests: I Love Lucy"
From the Archives: "Beaker"

+ the hidden feature:

Did You Know?: "The Flying Zucchini Brothers"

I suppose technically the "and more!" could be the "Did You Know?" fact - but that would be pretty poor use of the enticing phrase "and more!" :eek:

Then again, whenever I see a DVD that claims to have "...and more!" it seems all it has to offer are movie trailers of films we'd like to forget (i.e. Kermit's Swamp Years *shudder*).