The Count said:
Biggy and Yakey, you're next!
DanDan: Pffft. Those guys? Don't you want someone with the natural grace of an elephant with the trots? I thought so, so I'll be going next...
Fem: You ruined my act, DanDan. I can't let you go on!!
DanDan: What if I take you with me?
Fem: Oh. OK then *grins*
*Music starts for I Got You, Babe*
DanDan: I don't care what people say
You may be a foot, but you make me smile each day
Fem: I ignore them when they say you're blue
'cos you got me and baby I got you...
DanDan: I got flu babe
Fem: I got
you babe
DanDan: I got shoe babe *takes off shoe and throws it into audience*
Fem: You may talk nonsense all the time
I wish I hadn't written this song 'cos I can't find a ryhme
DanDan: You may be noseless, this is true
But you got me and baby I got you
Both: Babe
Fem: I got you babe
DanDan: I got Drew babe *pulls Drew Barrymore on stage*
Fem: I got two babe *pulls two Drew Barrymores on stage*
DanDan: I got doo babe *pulls Scooby Doo on stage*
Fem: I got foo babe *pulls Foo Fighters on stage*
DanDan: I got goo babe *gunge falls from ceiling*
All: I