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Monday Morning Meeting


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Er...what exactly is "concrit"? I don't find it in the OED...:confused:

A promising start, though I too will quibble at the largess of run-on sentences. Everyone's guilty of those, myself included -- but try to be conscious about your style as you go, or at least in editing before posting, and break it up a bit. I'd love more dialogue, though it looks like you're headed in that direction.

Some nice stuff, though. I like your approach to the frog/pig thing as a tentative "new beginning"...that could be fun to see. I like the idea that the crew is just naturally, habitually, drawn back to the studio for the Monday morning meeting. I like Kermit bicycling to work (hey, he IS green, after all...). And I grinned at the Taylor/Burton comparison. (Good thing Kermit doesn't drink like a fish.)

:embarrassed: No, he drinks like a FROG!


More please! And enough with the exposition -- we're Muppaphiles -- we KNOW this stuff. Give us the here-and-now! :smile: Looking forward to your next installment.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Kris. "Concrit" = constructive criticism.
So... Muppets milling about the water cooler waiting for the drudgery that is the Monday meeting budget blahs boredom. At least you guys can have fun with it by bursting into song or continuous quoting of your own productions at the drop of a hat.
*Drops hat.

More please?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Er...what exactly is "concrit"? I don't find it in the OED...:confused:

A promising start, though I too will quibble at the largess of run-on sentences. Everyone's guilty of those, myself included -- but try to be conscious about your style as you go, or at least in editing before posting, and break it up a bit. I'd love more dialogue, though it looks like you're headed in that direction.
Ahoy hoy!

As The Count said, concrit is constructive criticism. Normally, I never have to mention this on forums, however my run in with a troll stalker not only has me review shy to the point where I won't review, even if I think it's great, but then needing to assure people that, "hey! I'm mature and can handle constructive criticism! Really! Not a stalker!"

As I mentioned, my first forays into a new fandom tend to be a little wordy -

-More please! And enough with the exposition -- we're Muppaphiles -- we KNOW this stuff. Give us the here-and-now!
One, working on it. Two, this is where I error on the side of caution, as some groups enjoy the explanation, some don't. I've done one shots that could have used more substance and longer fics that really do seem to go on forever. Once I get my sea legs, not so much exposition in the the shorts at least.

I'm very much a character driven author, so expect character analysis in the really long stuff.

-Some nice stuff, though. I like your approach to the frog/pig thing as a tentative "new beginning"...that could be fun to see. I like the idea that the crew is just naturally, habitually, drawn back to the studio for the Monday morning meeting. I like Kermit bicycling to work (hey, he IS green, after all...). And I grinned at the Taylor/Burton comparison.
Piggy has been my fave Muppet since GMC, but the latest movie I think upped her to 11. I was honestly surprised that she actually turned her back on not only the Muppets, but Kermit and that it actually lasts the whole movie until their ending duet (notice how they both give each other the brush off and, unlike the other movies, hardly spend any time together).

Ironically enough, this wasn't my first idea (it was my second and really based on the group hanging around for a meeting); my first idea was the fallout from not only the end credits (where Piggy shares their happiness with 10 of the top newspapers), but that of the ongoing 'are you/aren't you' marriage speculation - fun fact: I actually had planned something that alluded to the fact that the marriage in TMTM was real and it would only take Kermit to turn it in in order for an annulment.

Gosh, even my posts are long winded!:eek:

Two things! 1. I'm working on fic and there is more dialogue! 2. There may be a sequel to this that follows up the end, which goes more into the 'new beginning' thing. Okay I'm done talking!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Ask and you will receive! Here there be more dialogue and a song! And snark! :big_grin:

Looking at her now, Kermit was quite glad they were at least at a ‘talking like civilized friends’ course; usually that worked in his favor. “Wanna have a budget meeting?” he asked, finally.

“Sure!” Gonzo chuckled. “What else were we gonna do today?”

“Hey Kermit,” Fozzie replied, excitedly bouncing on his toes. “Kermit? I was talking to Gags the other day and have I got some humdingers for you!”

“That’s great Fozzie,” Kermit responded, patting the bear on the arm as he headed towards the door. “Actually, I might want to talk to you about that.”

Scooter appeared at his left, silent like a wraith, and handed him a clipboard with several sheets of paper on it. Kermit glanced at the top sheet, scrunching his face a bit – it was probably a good thing they were having this impromptu meeting after all – all the while patting down the nonexistent clothing he wasn’t wearing in an effort to find a key.

“Don’t…have a key,” he murmured, looking around at everyone. “Must’ve left it in my other pants.”

On instinct and years of knowing where something was, when to duck, and never saying certain phrases in the company of certain people, Kermit looked to his left at Scooter and then to his right at Miss Piggy, silently betting on who would come through for him first. And, in most cases, Piggy came out on top, dangling a key ring with a few keys attached to it from her satin covered hand.

“For vous, Mon Capitaine.”

Kermit had long since stopped asking or wondering where Piggy kept getting spare keys to various offices and buildings – usually his – right around the time he stopped trying to figure out exactly whose personal assistant Scooter really was; taking the key ring (where did she get a gate from?), Kermit nodded and answered with a polite, “Merci” before getting ready to put the key in the lock.

“You’re not just gonna open the door, are you?!”

Kermit turned to look at one of his lifelong friends, seeing the absolute horror on the fuzzy brown face stayed his hand from actively turning the key. “Yes?” he asked, cautiously and confusedly. The sudden image of the doorknob blowing up in his hand caused him to immediately let go of said knob; Crazy Harry was good with explosives, but not that good. Was he?

Panic was setting in to the point where Kermit’s “why?” came out shakier than he probably intended. “What…oh.” And like that, the answer hit him – literally – like a ton of bricks. “Right. Sorry, I almost forgot.” Looking at the surrounding group, he gestured towards the resident musician Rowlf, who stood only a mere meter from him.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Rowlf managed to give a rather wolfish grin before bursting in to a cheerful little melody, in celebration of their budget meeting of course. “When money’s in our reach,” he began, eagerly awaiting the person with the next verse to come in. He didn’t wait long and chuckled with he heard Gonzo’s cheerful reply.

“We can finally appear on cable.”

Scooter jumped in with, “It’s harmony that we preach,” while Dr. Teeth countered with, “Even though we’re a bit unstable.”

“On projects we beseech!” Fozzie sang.

“To finish when we’re able,” Piggy added.

“Once more unto the breach!” Kermit finished, with all finishing with the line of “To the Muppet Round Table!”

“Now let’s get some work done,” the leader replied, turning around and unlocking the door. Kermit noticed there was some hesitancy on opening the door however; it had been years since the seven of them had been in this room together. While the group meetings were always opened to any Muppet who wanted to come and offer options and opinions, in most cases it was usually a combination of the seven who now entered. The room was as much the same as it had been previously, with a bit more spit and polish than they had probably left it.

Kermit stepped in, looking every which way and that at all the knick knacks and posters that lined the walls. He vaguely heard Scooter explain how the renovation teams had wanted to get rid of the large square table that sat in the middle of the room, incorrectly assuming that – because of the wear, tear, and doodles, as well as the huge ‘logo’ that read Muppet Round Table in all manner of colors that was center – the group would actually want a round table and how Scooter had vehemently denied the offer and suggestion.

Though the room was done up in various news clippings or articles, pop culture posters (though the Stars Wars one had been framed), and random notes and reports, it was the table that probably held the most significance. A formerly nicely done oak table had been quickly reduced to a graffiti filled explosion of ideas, lunches, dinners, and boredom.

He could clearly see the remains of the knife mark at Gonzo’s place setting from when he tried demonstrating his new knife throwing act; the line of music notes that marked Rowlf’s usually seat; Dr. Teeth usually sat next to him and his area had random words, poems, and lyrics around it, though Kermit knew at least one of those had been for the song, Can You Picture That?

At the head of the table were different brightly colored post-it notes, when he and Scooter used to leave messages for each other in case they weren’t in a meeting at a particular time; next to that were various hearts, denoting the usual place that Piggy held to his right. He was just happy that a good majority of those did indeed say “K+P”.

And of course, in the center of it all was the hideously, yet nicely done ‘logo’ that the Mayhem had designed. A quip from bass player Floyd Pepper had started the silly name, when he stated that everyone “was to assemble at the great Muppet round table!” which in itself wasn’t even a round table to begin with; that had led both Scooter and Fozzie to dramatically cry, “To the Muppet Round Table!” whenever a script change was needed or when a meeting needed to be held. Despite being able to make changes and meet on the go, there was something special about doing it at this particular table.

So special that when their movies called for them to be on location, such as in New York, the table went with them; Gonzo was adamant that he could recall each and every nick in the wood, when it happened, where it happened, and who had done it.

Even that silly little song they did before entering in the room; Kermit couldn’t remember why they started it or even whom (though he had some guesses), but it had become such a tradition that it stuck. It certainly wasn’t lost on him that they usually seemed a bit more productive once the song (or maybe the silliness) had been done.

Kermit didn’t want to wait any longer. Making his way towards the head of the table, he asked, “Everyone coffee’d up?” On instinct, the frog glanced at the stage manager, unsurprised to see him holding up a large box full of coffee; he hadn’t even seen the younger Muppet with it in his hand. It just went to prove that once again, Scooter planned far enough in advanced than he or anyone else probably would. With coffee mugs out and coffee in hand, Kermit started off the meeting, per usual.

“So starting off with some good news,” he began. “Despite not knowing whether or not our telethon raised enough money to keep the studios, our popularity has surged.”

“More like skyrocketed,” Scooter interjected, making a few taps on his iPad. “The interviews, guest spots, and getting that star on the walk of fame has made us a huge asset for anyone who wants us.”

“Including the people who own us,” Rowlf chuckled.

“Needless to say,” Kermit continued. “We have a budget.”

“That is indeed gratuitous to hear, my green friend,” Dr. Teeth announced. “Let’s hope we can keep rolling in the green stuff until next payday. I give it three months.”

Gonzo snorted. “I give it eleven days.”

“I give it eleven minutes.”

“That’s awfully generous of you, Piggy,” Kermit replied. “Eleven minutes? Normally you don’t put more than five minutes of faith in our financial skills. Why the change of heart?”

The look she leveled at him was, thankfully, one of playfulness. That was good; especially for a Monday and especially due to their…status. “Can’t Moi be generous?” she asked, sweetly.

“I don’t know, Piggy,” Gonzo interrupted. “Have you ever tried it?”

The blue performer was all too aware of the irritated gaze that had immediately swung his way. “Keep it up, buzzard beak,” she growled. “And I’ll be generously applying my coffee mug and coffee to your face.”

“Promises, promises.”

“Being on an actual budget,” Kermit continued, ignoring the teasing as he always did with these two. “Is a good thing, especially in light of the phone call I had over the weekend.”

“Uh oh,” Rowlf said. “That never sounds good. Who’d you bail out?”

“All of us actually,” the frog replied. “Jack Black’s attorneys have graciously decided to not sue us, as well as not pressing charges against us. It means he’ll never doing with us again. Ever. Speaking of which…” Flipping through the clipboard that Scooter had handed to him earlier, Kermit selected a piece of paper and presented it right under the…nose of Miss Piggy.

“Read and sign this, please.”

“What is it?”

“A copy of the restraining order.”

I'll leave you with that for now. Happy Easter people who are celebrating!


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Glad to see you've joined us, dearie. We are always happy to have another writer. Here's my two cents worth, and some of it you've heard already from others here.

You need to SHOW us MORE and TELL us LESS. I don't mind long sentences, per se (no comments from the peanut gallery!), but you seem to be meandering instead of plowing forward. Plow forward with more intent, and leave some of the meandering out. My favorite writing professor in grad school used to tell us not to tell the story as though we were standing on a box and looking in the window and describing what we see inside. INSTEAD, we should put our READER up on the box, so they are seeing everything firsthand.

Kermit is rather passive here. To be perfectly honest, I found him just a shade too passive in the last movie, but forgave him because he was depressed and lonely. Now that things are looking up (even though he's apparently ALREADY managed to bust things up with Piggy), he needs to be more decisive. He may be a reluctant leader, but he IS the leader and he should step up to the plate.

A couple of quibbles--Dr. Teeth is usually relentlessly upbeat. His budget meeting comments really belong more with Floyd, the pessimistic voice of the band. Also, I want you to decide if Scooter is using a clipboard or an ipad. (A sin I've committed myself.) Either he's technologically challenged (like EVERYBODY agrees Kermit must be! LOL!) or he's state of the art, er, technology.

A couple of funny word uses--and don't mind ME because I am the unfortunate QUEEN of typos, but you called Hollywood the world of "celebs and cellulite" (which was quite hilarious) but I think you MEANT "celebs and celluloid." There was another one but I can't find it now.

Congrats on getting a story going on such short acquaintance! I look forward to seeing where you go with this.

Auntie Ru (who is bossy and opinionated and writes run-on sentences with typos)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Glad to see you've joined us, dearie. We are always happy to have another writer. Here's my two cents worth, and some of it you've heard already from others here.

You need to SHOW us MORE and TELL us LESS. I don't mind long sentences, per se (no comments from the peanut gallery!), but you seem to be meandering instead of plowing forward. Plow forward with more intent, and leave some of the meandering out. My favorite writing professor in grad school used to tell us not to tell the story as though we were standing on a box and looking in the window and describing what we see inside. INSTEAD, we should put our READER up on the box, so they are seeing everything firsthand.
:electric:You've posted on my story! *does happy dance!* You guys like me! You really like me!

While I have enjoyed writing fan fic for well over ten years now (holy mackrel!:fishy:), the one downside with it is that I seemed to have lost my original ability of describing stuff and not just telling the reader what was going on. There is a marked difference in my original writing and fan fiction writing, which is saying something when considering that most of my original stories were done when I was 13-17.

It seems to get worse the shorter the story, oddly enough, and I'm actually not sure why. I'm fairly sure it's not a product of me switching to the life of a freelance writer; I've had this issue for some now and am trying to retcon (heh) it.

Kermit is rather passive here. To be perfectly honest, I found him just a shade too passive in the last movie, but forgave him because he was depressed and lonely. Now that things are looking up (even though he's apparently ALREADY managed to bust things up with Piggy), he needs to be more decisive. He may be a reluctant leader, but he IS the leader and he should step up to the plate.
I think I'm working on this, as in the spin off/sequel/concluding story to this (between him and Piggy) will have him a bit more decisive. I think. I haven't written it yet.:oops:

A couple of quibbles--Dr. Teeth is usually relentlessly upbeat. His budget meeting comments really belong more with Floyd, the pessimistic voice of the band. Also, I want you to decide if Scooter is using a clipboard or an ipad. (A sin I've committed myself.) Either he's technologically challenged (like EVERYBODY agrees Kermit must be! LOL!) or he's state of the art, er, technology.
I don't think Dr. Teeth's comment was technically mean spirited, just a comment on the fact that 1. they're usually suffering from money issues (which, as a poster mentioned in another story, was a bit weird considering who they were) and that the normal process of keeping their money usually doesn't last long.

Hence why I gave the 'eleven minutes' line (which in itself is a shout out/real life thing) to Piggy; Dr. T at least thinks they can last for a few months, versus Piggy's 'before we leave this room, the budget will be gone'. And it could be a foreshadow; never know.:coy:

Scooter has the clipboard for Kermit, hence why he gives it to him before they enter. Yeah, this is probably something I should have eluded to when I wrote it. Gonna go fix that.

A couple of funny word uses--and don't mind ME because I am the unfortunate QUEEN of typos, but you called Hollywood the world of "celebs and cellulite" (which was quite hilarious) but I think you MEANT "celebs and celluloid." There was another one but I can't find it now.
Yes, I probably did mean celluloid, so thanks. Despite starting this in Word, expect to see me make edits there and then probably coming back to change them. I'm actually committing a cardinal sin here in not reading what I wrote before posting (I know, I know :frown:), which I'm usually very good at. Sometimes though, I get a little too excited and then start posting like a bat on fire (that makes sense, right? I'm only on the second cup of coffee)

Congrats on getting a story going on such short acquaintance! I look forward to seeing where you go with this.

Auntie Ru (who is bossy and opinionated and writes run-on sentences with typos)
I actually purposefully went looking for Muppet forums for two reasons - one, just to get a feel for the fan fic and decide if I wanted to jump into another fandom (or hide from the others I haven't updated) and two, a place where I could post the ideas that were refusing to leave me alone. Because of my recent troubles with fanfiction.net, I seriously did not want to go that route and was basically looking for something along the lines of the ReBoot or Get Smart communities.

As I've stated, I find concrit to be helpful and is something I enjoy getting. Yes, I will enjoy the 'I love this!' or 'Rite mohr!', but the concrit actually helps me become a better writer, so I always appreciate taking and explaining stuff when I can, so thanks to everyone who's read so far!:smile::fanatic::super:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I think my favorite line is this, is when Kermit thought Piggy was being generous with 11 minutes! LOL more please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Morning peeps! So, I've gone back and made some changes to the fic - mainly removing some really long sentences or unneeded paragraphs. Um...how do I make those changes here though? I've noticed that the edit option kinda disappears after awhile on a post. Here's a bit more for ya so I can go and update my site and blog :stick_out_tongue:

“I wasn’t the only one there,” she huffed, sending equal parts annoyance and frustration at three of her accomplices. Kermit noticed that neither Scooter, Fozzie, or Gonzo were looking at her or him, for that matter.

“Granted,” he replied, acknowledging that she wasn’t the only one at fault for this. “However Mr. Black seemed to think you were the ringleader.” Trying – and failing – at not rolling his eyes, Kermit muttered, “I can’t imagine why.”

To the group he announced, “Hey guys, how about we start the new year off right? How about we don’t kidnap any celebrities this year? I know, a lofty goal to be sure, but I’d like to cut down on our restraining orders.”

“We’ve always managed to stay under twenty,” Scooter supplied, helpfully.

“And that’s supposed to be uplifting, how?”

“Well,” the assistant replied. “The highest we’ve ever had was only seventeen.”

Kermit just looked at him, incredulously. “Still not helping,” he muttered. “How many do we have now?”

“With Jack Black, that’s six.”

“All recent!?” Kermit exclaimed.

“I don’t remember making that many people mad in the last twenty four hours,” Fozzie volunteered.

“No,” Scooter said, using his finger to scroll through supposedly a list of their current restraining orders (though Kermit sometimes wondered if he was playing a game or something on that thing). “Just Jack Black. Three of them are in regards to Animal –“ here everyone nodded in understanding; the Mayhem’s drummer could be…unpredictable, even with his stint in anger management.

“And one’s against Gonzo for that Winnebago and Waffle house incident.”

“That one still in effect?” Dr. Teeth asked, his eyes growing wide at the prospect.

“Well,” the dog shrugged. “They had been pretty angry.”

“And I apologized!” Gonzo exclaimed. “Repeatedly! I even sent them a gift basket!”

“Most people don’t accept feathers and scorch marks as a gift,” Piggy haughtily replied.

Gonzo crossed his arms and glared at the diva. “Shows what you know,” he said, speaking in the same holier than thou way that she had done just moments ago. “I sent them flowers as well.”

“Really?” the bear comic asked. “What kind?”

“Venus flytraps.”

“Your honor,” Piggy smirked, leaning back in her chair. “I rest my case.”

“Moving right along,” Kermit said, shooting looks to the four closest to him. “The point is we are not going to kidnap people this year, right?”

“Right, Boss.”

“Of course not, Kermie.”

“No worries, Kermit.”

“You got it.”

“And to think,” Rowlf whispered to the Mayhem frontman. “All we did was stop that riot in the orchestra pit.”

“Sometimes my furry friend,” Dr. Teeth replied. “I think we get the wrong end of the conducting stick.”

“Next point of business,” Kermit started, taking a deep breath. “What’s the plan?”

“Meaning?” asked Scooter.

“Well,” the frog began. “We have a budget and we’ve got offers. What do we plan to do with them?”

“Well, what’re the options?” Gonzo asked.

“Another show or another movie.”

“I did some crunches over the weekend,” Scooter said. “We’ve got the money for both, technically. Veronica said she could find us a spot on the schedule if we were to do a show and the guys upstairs said, as long as they got a script, they’d green light any project for us.”

“What do you think, Kermit?” Fozzie asked.

That was the million dollar question and Kermit hadn’t been sure what his answer would be. While both projects held merit and both had their ups and downs, he hadn’t really made his mind up about which way to go.

“Honestly?” the frog whispered. “I don’t know. The prospects are good for both, but…”

“But?” Piggy prodded.

The answer was right there on his tongue and in his heart, but he was having trouble voicing the idea. It was shellfish, plain and simple; looking at Piggy – before his eyes wondered over to the others – his answer was basically carved in stone.

Doing a weekly show would keep them together.

There would be no reason for Fozzie to go back to Reno, no purpose for Gonzo to need to rebuild his plumping business, no point for Scooter to go back to Google, and definitely no reasoning for Piggy to go back to Paris.

“Whatcha thinkin’, Kermit?” Rowlf asked, honestly. He had known the frog longer than all of them combined and something in the green face seemed to speak not only the answer, but the reasoning behind it.

“I’m thinking TV show,” he whispered. “It means a weekly schedule or course and more weekly meetings, but…”

“A TV show would be great!” Gonzo exclaimed. “It’s a chance for me to fully explore my limitations.”

“You’re a limitation,” Piggy muttered.

“Excellent!” Dr. Teeth agreed. “It’ll give us the change to musically explore the realms of artistry. Besides, my furry friend here is getting a bit lax.”

Rowlf looked at his musical companion. “I know you aren’t talking about me,” he scoffed. “Remind me how the fifth symphony goes again, cause I’m sure that you played more wrong notes than right ones.”

The keyboardist took the ribbing as he did everything else, by laughing. “I told you my hand cramped.”

“Right,” the dog drawled. “I’ve used that excuse before too.”

“Hey Kermit,” Fozzie asked, hesitantly. “If we do another show, I’ll have to up my charges; you know how Gags is about getting paid.”

“You’re actually paying him?” Scooter asked. “I thought he got paid by the number of laughs you got.”

“I’ll have you know I get plenty of laughs to cover all charges,” Fozzie responded.

“I have a pie chart that says differently,” the assistant retorted. “You actually owe us money.”

“What do you think?” Kermit asked, leaning towards Piggy. She had been quite silent as the rest bickered and fought amongst themselves and that in itself gave off warning bells.

“Vous are well aware that Moi enjoys the admiration of the viewing public,” was her reply. “Regardless of the medium.”

“It means you’d have to stay.”

“I already said I would,” she whispered back. “Nothing’s changed on that front.”

“So I take it we’re going with a show, Kermit?” Scooter asked, bringing their attention back to the head of the table.

Kermit looked at them each in turn before settling on his answer. “Yeah,” he whispered, before stating it more clearly. “Yeah. Weekly show it is. That of course brings us to anything we might need for one. Scooter, do we need anything for the theater?”

“Nothing that I can see, Chief,” the page replied. “I can go over the structure when we break from here, but everything should be good to go.”

“Oh good,” the frog nodded. This could actually work. “Fozzie? Need anything?”

“No sir, Kermit,” the funny bear commented. “I’m right as rain, though I could probably use an umbrella. Get it? Wocka wocka!”

The group muttered some good natured moans and groans before Kermit continued.


“Off the top of my head,” the stuntman replied. “I could probably use some brushes in order to clean Gladys and Mavis. I couldn’t afford to get stuck like last time.” Gonzo’s love and affection for his canon – any canon – clearly showed when he took time out to actively clean them himself instead of, oh hiring a professional to do so. “I could also use four bags of flour and three hundred and fifty bags of marshmallows.”

In any other normal circumstance, no one would ever bother to ask what Gonzo meant by that; however, Kermit must have missed his friend more than possible because his curiosity overrode his common sense. Heaving a regretful sigh, Kermit said, “Throwing caution to the wind, I’m going to ask why you need three hundred fifty bags of marshmallows.”

“What else am I going to put down my pants?”

“Too easy,” Piggy murmured, earning a snigger from Rowlf on the other side of her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Ha Ha Ha!
I love Piggy's smart remarks
And Kermit's thinking
And Rowlf
And Fozzie
And Gonzo!
Moar Plz


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2011
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I like how you finally began working out the dynamics of the Muppets working together again, I really liked the banter you had between them. The edit option on a post does disappear after awhile, so I don't think you can go back and change anything, but double-check with The Count, he'd know best.

Keep up the good work!