To answer a few questions/comments...
1 MuppetQuilter asked to be removed as a member of the forum staff in light of her busy home life. That request was honored, though she may still pop in occasionally as a regular member of the forums.
2 Yes, I agree with returning powers to all staff members to lock threads and merge threads and ban members after the "Spam Cleaner" link has long disappeared from their profile page.
3 Rather than new moderators, I think we should implement the "Right Hand" moderators' assistants program. Or have a veteran moderator the rest of us can turn to and have them step in should their help be needed to resolve certain outstanding reported issues.
No, I can't do everything on my own... And there are just some things that even I myself don't know how to handle, especially if I was the one who reported an issue.
4 As to becoming a moderator, I don't exactly know how it happens for other people. However, I'll just refer to a quote from Ken Lily when working on the Muppets figure line, which comes from a song: "You can't please all the people all of the time, so just do the best job you can."
At times it may seem like a popularity contest... And there are times you'll get an angry response stemming from the job done as a moderator, but that's why the staff named and conferred said powers upon you, to get the job done. You may make mistakes along the way as I myself have, but that's part of the learning process in becoming a better mod/staffer. And if you do it long enough and well/consistently enough, the recognition will come.