The doozer's hands and arm position are bugging me. It does appear that his arms are articulated, but this prototype is stiff looking and the hands don't look like they're planning on getting any workin' done. Very un-doozer-like behavior.
I still hope they rethink the blind boxing. After hearing that NECA has announced an actual standard priced and carded Dark Crystal Skeksis figure based on the film puppet I don't really feel like giving MINDstyle my fan dollar. Their practices of being either over-priced or blind-boxed seem underhanded to me. If NECA can come out with Jareth, Hoggle and Skeksis figures and legitimately stock them at toy stores, then why isn't MINDstyle doing so?
Their doozer is nice - nothing I haven't seen before. I'm really holding back until seeing the actual Fraggle assortment. Letter inclusion for the figures is weird, but Trash Heap inclusion is very cool. I still can't tell if they're the right company for the Fraggle license. I hope so.