Kelly (drinking some grape juice, watching the water gun fight): Heheh.
Pearl (also drinking grape juice and watching the water gun fight): Lordy, it sure is hot out here. I could USE a good showerin'.
Cotterpin: Can I have some grape juice?
Kelly (smirks): It's kind of been out for awhile. Um ... expired.
Pearl (smirks): Yes'm, it sure has.
Cotterpin: So why are you drinking it?
Kelly: Because it's there.
Pearl (nods): SOMEONE has to finish it off ....
Cotterpin: Riiight. So, is there anything we're gonna do today?
Kelly: Me an' Pearl saw Terminator this morning. It was ssssuper.
Pearl: Shame we couldn't bring along that nice young robotic man with us.
Kelly: I didn't want to just assume Digit would go because he's a cyborg. *sips* Still, Marcus does remind of me of Digit in a lot of ways. *sigh*
Cotterpin: So, you're still stuck on Digit, then?
Kelly: Don't you have a Waldo to woo, Cotterpin?
Cotterpin (sighs): Waldo ...