The ScareCrow outside Room #1's door raisd his head, spying the goings-on and smiling to himself. Wait, was that scarecrow smiling? Room 1's door opens to reveal a troop of little monsters exiting through the open maws of the demon-faced fireplace. In case you didn't notice, there was a pumpkin symbol on our door as it's opened up to the world of our own brand of ghoulish fun.

Count: Boys and ghouls of every age.
Uncle D: Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Both, leading the treaters: Come with us and you will see...
This our town of Halloween.
All: This is Halloween, this is Halloween.
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene.
Trick-or-treat at Erin's, till them neighbors die of fright.
In our town, don't we love it now.
In our town of Halloween.
Lurker: I am the one hiding under your bed.
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red.
Retch: I am the one hiding under your stairs.
Fingers with snakes and spiders in my hair.
Mulch: This is Halloween, this is Halloween.
All: Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.
Fughetta: In this town, we call home.
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.
Grim: In this town! Don't we love it now!
Everyone's waiting for the next surprise.
Zombie Cat: Round that corner, hiding in the trashcan.
Something's waiting there to pounce and howl, you scream.
Mulch: This is Halloween.
Three-eyed Monster Kid: Red and black.
Glob: Slimy green.
Yorick: Aren't you scared? Well, that's just fine.
Winona the Witch: Say it once, say it twice.
Take a chance and roll the dice.
Ride with the moon through the dead of night.
*She looks wistfully at the full moon lit night outside, waiting for her opportunity to feel the chill October wind in her raven tresses.
Mulch: Everybody scream, everybody scream.
Fughetta: In our town of Halloween.
Juggulres: I am the clown with the tear-away face.
*Rips his face completely off without falling from his perch upon the one-wheeled unicycle.
Here's the flesh, gone without a trace.
Spooky: I am the Who when you call "who's there?"
Ghostee: I am the wind running through your hair.
Oogie's Shadow: I am the shadow on the moon at night.
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright.
Groan-Ups: This is Halloween, this is Halloween.
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.
Creep Kiddies: Halloween, Halloween.
Countess Dahling: Tender lovelings everyvhere.
Count: Life's no fun vithout a good scare.
Devil: That's our job. Sanguina: But we're not mean...
All: In our town of Halloween.
Mulch: In this town, don't we love it now.
Laverne the Gargoyle and Mulch: Everyone's waiting for the next surprise.
Undertaker: Stoned tombs and jacko' lynes, catch you in the back.
Demonling: Make you scream like a banshee...
All: Make you jump out of your skin! ! !
Creeper: This is Halloween.
UD: Won't you please make way for a very special guy?
Monsters: All know Ed is king of the pumpkin patch.
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King.
*Ed makes his way, last but most importantly, sporting his Halloween Town suit with the bat-collar and glowing white skeletal pinstriping. He waves a bone-encased hand at passers-by, tossing a few small fireworks skulls here and there heralding the procession, now winding down as they approach Room 7.
Groan-Ups: This is Halloween, this is Halloween.
Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween.
Sibella: In this town, we call home.
Attracophney and Malika then join her, completing the trio of sweet baby bat vampiress, spiderling, and goblin girl.
Trio: Everyone hail to the pumpkin song.
Ed: Hello, hope we're not too late to take a tour through your various haunts. And yes Scooter, I know these aren't your monsters, I brought some of my own. *Wicked grin.