OOC: This is why we desperately need the others, and fast!Why, yes, Father, I believe there is. You see, it appears the front has shifted - again - and we have been ordered to move 10 miles north. I have already sent Radar to go find Pierce and Colonel Potter and inform them of this. However, there is a slight problem. It seems that you and I are the only ones left here, and well, we need to begin packing up.
BIC: *Radar continues driving down the bumpy road as a shell goes off right in front of him*
*Swerves back and forth down the road as the shelling continues*
Oh, great idea! "We ought to send one of the enlistedmen up to warn Captain Pierce and Colonel Potter!"... why didn't I remember that I'M an enlistedman?
*Jeep breaks down*
*Pulls over*
Oh gee! Oh I don't know anything about engines...
*Opens hood and looks around*
Let's see... here's some metal stuff... and some rubber stuff... and some plastic stuff... and... holy socks...
*Silence, there's no more shelling, but there's a light rustling*
*Grabs helmet, and hides in the bushes*