M*A*S*H* moments...
M*A*S*H*,is still my all-time favorite tv show;enjoyed it when it originally aired and I'm always trying to catch it in reruns.It has on of the best tv-themes too.My favorite character moments(just a few of each one):
-Radar: episode Fallen Idol,in which Hawkeye lets Radar down,by needing to leave surgery;Radar's character did some growing up.Also,in the episode Good-bye Radar;when Radar makes the decision whether to go home or stay at MASH.Radar could 'pull strings' when supplies were needed,alert when choppers were coming & grew from a niave innocent Iowa farm-boy to a man.
-Trapper: He had a great smile & a good hearty laugh.Trapper wasn't second banana,more of a sidekick to Hawkeye.Poignant moment when Trapper & Margaret are locked in the supply tent.
-Frank: Ahhh,ferret-face.He took more than he had too with Hawkeye's & Trapper's,even BJ's practical jokes,but he made the best out of the Army.Tried as he could to be with Margaret.Wasn't the best surgeon,but had a good heart.
-Hawkeye: Could make me laugh,cry,empathize,sympathize.My fav. Hawkeye moments/episodes: Fallen Idol,The Late Captain Pierce,Out of Sight/Out of Mind,Comrades in Arms,Hawkeye,Finale.
-Henry: Not the best C.O.,yes he did make the MASH into a frat party.His character wasn't that strong,but he tried to make the best out of the war.Abyssinia,Henry had one heart-tug of an ending.I still cry when I see that episode.Even though Mclean wanted out of his contract,his Henry Blake still touched me;to show his chr. is still human,that no-one is untouchable.
-Margaret: Hot-Lips Houlihan.She could rant,rave,complain,be feminine & still have a strong side to her too. My favorite Margaret moments are: Comrades in Arms,The Nurses.
-BJ: moustache or no moustache,BJ had a mature outlook on life.Favorite BJ moment Welcome to Korea,BJ's entrance into the show.
-Klinger: Tried to get that Section-8,happy when he stopped trying.
-Potter: He was a good C.O.,basically everybody's grandfather.Happy when he got Sophie his horse.
-Charles Emerson Winchester III: the Christmas episode(afore mentioned about his toboggan cap) & Lend a Hand are my two fav. Charles moments.Charles had a lots of secrets,passions: his sister's stutter,talking into his tape reel,classical music,giving,French horn.
-Father Mulcahy: every once in awhile felt left out,but he tried to lend a hand & lend an ear to those in crisis.
Overall,the show was well casted.The writing grew stronger,deeper as the years passed.The doctors & nurses learned from each other,developed a family & looked out for each other.