Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I know Luke was SOOOOOOOOOOO excited to see all the Toy Fair pics and figgers o' the Muppets, but I think he forgot to share wif us about the Muppet Central Toy Fair! :big_grin:

So, here's his report (a.k.a., some actual "Toy Fair" comments from the TF thread, with names and certain things changed).



Ok, wow some amazing stuff there and lots to comment on, suffice to say that our Kenneth has been keeping a lot under his hat lately (has enough room without the hair) so you kinda have to wonder what the heck they are gonna surprise us with for the rest of the year. I'd seen more or less all of these things at the Muppet Central Toy Fair in 2D face forward photo form but it's a whole different ballgame seeing them in 3D and from all angles - too cool !

Chris :- The sculpt is perfect, i remember seeing the unpainted prototype picture and knew that then. There's something i don't like about the painted version - although the body is excellent i think the face looks a bit washed out, though it's been commented to me that you can't see the texture in the photo so maybe this isn't a problem on the actual figure. I'm impressed with his outfit - the socks and the undies etc.

Nate :- I really like him, especially the paintwork and application. The radio seems ok to me - perhaps a tiny bit too small but nothing to worry about. I like his hair wax - thank God they didn't do crappy gel like the Ned Flanders figures have. Once you see him with the accessories and stuff i bet you'll be blown away. He's one of the strongest figures for me.

Byron :- It helps to see him at an angle to appreciate him more, but my comments are pretty much the same as from the picture i saw at the UK Fair. I really like him and especially think they've done an excellent job on his body hair. I do agree with people that there is something way 'off' with Byron though i don't think it's the mouth being open - seeing that bit at a side angle i think helps it look better, posssibly it could be closed a tiny bit more. I think the problem is he does NOT have the Byron expression - it's just a gaping stare. Maybe them sorting out the eyes will help, but i just think he's a very hard character to turn into an action figure. The thing about the actual Byron puppet is that it looks better and more expressionate in close up 'TV' form than a drawing of a full body Byron looks. His scale looks great to me.

Jackie :- I think the body is excellent - love the colors, love the short skirt, i like her tall and skinny. The detail and paint on the glasses is nice and i like what they've done with the cell phone. I agree with Jamie that the "Joe" is making the figure look worse than it is - bad accessory there. I actually like the coloring of her hair. I do think maybe her eyes are a little too squinty. 'Boobage' is cool !

Phil & Cindy :- I absolutely adore this figure - it's the best representation of Philip ever. The suit is a lot redder than the purple shot i saw before so i guess thats changed. He looks better at an angle than the face forward shots that the CC saw. The facial look is right and the colors on the face/nose are perfect to me - i think they are totally right. I'm not too hot on Cindy seeing her like this - basically to me it's a generic Mrs. Chapman and not Cindy. She looks great as a wife, but the thing that set Cindy aside from the other female muppet fans was her expressions - this Cindy is expressionless ! Maybe if they opened her mouth a little more and gave her eyes more of a dilated, alarmed look it might be Cindy but i think we have an imposter Mrs. Chapman ! If the factory put that shiny paint over Philip's skin then i'm going over there to kick butt - don't change a thing with him !

First Mate Emmy :- I think they've got her body and "LOL!" just right, i have a problem with her face. It's better but it still isn't right. The hair is too yellow and theres something about the facial expression thats wrong. She's ok, and will look great in with the Bill Barretta house playset.

All in all some really lovely stuff !



All in good fun, y'all!



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Hey now, how I become an action figure with "boobage". I feel like Barbie.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
Nate :- I really like him, especially the paintwork and application. The radio seems ok to me - perhaps a tiny bit too small but nothing to worry about. I like his hair wax - thank God they didn't do crappy gel like the Ned Flanders figures have. Once you see him with the accessories and stuff i bet you'll be blown away. He's one of the strongest figures for me.
What is the hairstyle on this figure? Is it my natural color, or one of the variety of colors its been over the last few years?

Did it not come with a tiny Playbill either? :frown:

Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Originally posted by Jackie
Hey now, how I become an action figure with "boobage". I feel like Barbie.
They made sure to everything accurate for the figures, don't worry. lol :wink:


Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Re: Re: Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Originally posted by radionate
What is the hairstyle on this figure? Is it my natural color, or one of the variety of colors its been over the last few years?

Did it not come with a tiny Playbill either? :frown:
Apparently it was your natural color.

And don't worry, the Playbill is one of the exciting accessories.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Re: Re: Re: Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
Apparently it was your natural color.
Wow, they remember what my natural color is? I don't even remember what my natural color is! :stick_out_tongue:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Re: Re: Re: Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Originally posted by Janice & Mokey's Man
And don't worry, the Playbill is one of the exciting accessories.

But, Nate?

Tiny Playbill?

Is that what they're calling it nowadays?


Janice & Mokey's Man

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
But, Nate?

Tiny Playbill?

Is that what they're calling it nowadays?


GOOD 'un, Kev!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Luke's "Muppet Central Toy Fair" Review

Originally posted by Fozzie Bear
Tiny Playbill?

Is that what they're calling it nowadays?
Not anyone whose in my black book. :cool:

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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YOU got a black book?

I used to have one, it was full of names and numbers.

Then I got ugly and they quit calling.

It's amazing what the number "30" does to your social life.
