Can anyone here give me tips on how to convert my old tapes into MP3's? You guys seem like you would be the ones to ask! I have Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, and SS's Tenth Anniversary Album on Cassette tape (the former is in rather bad condition, the latter sounds pretty good). I also have this really strange workout tape with Big Bird; not sure why I would want to convert that to MP3 but someone here might want it.
I did this once with my Born to Add Cassette. It was a while ago, but I can at least get you started.
If you have a tape player with outputs on the side, there's a wire that will hookup to your computer from that. I specifically had an old Mac laptop in the closet that had an input on the side, and if you open up Garage Band, it will let you input the songs directly from the tape player. I did it a little wrong, and ended up with audio only from the right side, but you'd have to be really dumb to do that one, so I wouldn't worry about it.
But if you don't have Garage Band, a wire, and input hole, I'm not quite sure how to go about it.