Thank you, Beth. I friggin' LOVE this thread! Okay, So here is my updated wish list:
Sesame Street
Count One Banana
Handful of Crumbs - Cookie Monster
The Arm - David (Sesame Street Live)
Someday, Little Children - Susan and the Children
Danger - Prarie Dawn
I'm Talkin' Love - Trisha Yearwood
The Golden “An”
Don't Want to Live on the Moon - Ernie featuring Aaron Neville (from Songs From the Street album)
Bear in the Big Blue House
Imagine That - Bear, Tutter and Treelo
Quiet Time - Tutter
Look at you Now - Instrumental
Goodbye Song - Instrumental
Goodbye Song - Whole cast
What's that Smell? - Instrumental
The Muppet Show
I Won't Dance - Kermit & Piggy
Doe a Deer - The Muppet Show
Magic Garden - Kermit
Stoneage Bayou - Monica DeVertabrae (Dinosaurs)
And here is my updated "Have For Trade" list:
Bear in the Big Blue House
“The Goodbye Song” - Bear & Moon
“Magic In The Kitchen”
“That's Your Name”
“When I'm Older”
“You Go Ojo”
“Friends Forever”
“Happy Happy Happy Birthday”
“Dear Grandma”
“Look At You Now”
“Shadow's Lullaby”
“Remember When”
“Great To Be At Home”
Fraggle Rock
“Convincing John” - Convincing John
“Pukka Squeetily Boink” - Wembley
“Ragtime Queen” - Mokey
“Workin' ”
Muppet Babies
“Good Things Happen in the Dark”
“Opening Theme”
“Dream For Your Inspiration”
Muppet Vision 3d Instrumentals
“The Muppet Show Opening Theme”
“Bein' Green”
“Mahna Mahna”
“The Rainbow Connection”
“Movin' Right Along”
“I Hope That Somethin' Better Comes Along”
“Hey a Movie!”
“Happiness Hotel”
“Steppin' Out With a Star”
“Together Again”
“I'm Gonna' Always Love You”
“Right Where I Belong”
Sesame Street
“Bus Stop Beatnik”
“Capital I”
“Country Side”
“Easy Goin' Day” - Follow that Bird
“One Little Star” - Follow That Bird
“Ladybug Picnic”
“Lowercase N”
“Telephone Rock”
“Put Down the Ducky” - Hoots & Ernie
“Pinball - Number 4”
“African Alphabet” - Ladysmith Black Mambazo & Kermit
“I Don't Want to Live on the Moon” - Ernie
“I Don't Want to Live on the Moon” - Shawn Colvin
“Sing a Song”
“The Rhyming Game” - Bert & Ernie
“Count It Higher”
“Letter B" - The Sesame Street Beatles
“Pyramid Sketch” - Bert, Ernie and the Mummy
“Me Lost Me Cookie At The Disco” - Cookie Monster
“On My Pond” - Kermit
“Caribbean Amphibian” - Kermit
“Caribbean Amphibian” - Kermit and Jimmy Buffet
“Rubber Ducky” - Ernie and Bert
“Dance Myself To Sleep” - Ernie and Bert
“Doin' The Pigeon” - Bert
“I Wanna Hold Your Ear” - Bert
“Happy To Meet You” - Celine Dion
“Jelly Man Kelly” - James Taylor
“Roosevelt Franklin Counts”
“Roosevelt Franklin's Alphabet”
The Muppet Show / Misc. Muppet Albums
“Act Naturally” - Gonzo
“A Song From Kermit” - Kermit the Frog
“Atom Bomb” - Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
“Bein' Green” - Ray Charles and Kermit
“Bein' Green” - Kermit
“Danny Boy” - The Swedish Chef, Animal and Beaker
“Eight Little Notes” - Rowlf
“Feelings” - The Swedish Chef, Animal and Beaker
“Four Legged Friend” - Jim and Jerry
“The Guest Star Song” - Scooter
“Jam” - Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
“Mr. Bass Man” - Scooter
“Cottleston Pie” - Rowlf from the Muppet Show
“Cottleston Pie” - Rowlf from the Ol' Brown Ears is Back
“All Together Now” - from UnPigged
“Can't Roller Skate in a Buffalo Heard” - The Gogo Lala Jubilee Jug Band
“Day-O!” - Fozzie and Harry Belafonte
“Fever” - Animal and Rita Moreno
“Grandma's Feather Bed” - Kermit the Frog
“Statler and Waldorf Booing”
“Halfway Up the Stairs” - Robin
“Halfway Up the Stairs” - Rowlf
“Hawaiian War Chant” - Pigs
“I've Got You Under My Skin” - Monsters
“Lydia the Tattooed Lady” - Kermit
“Money” - Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
“Opening Theme” - from The Muppet Show
“Old Fashioned Love Song” - Paul Williams
“Sax and Violins” - Zoot and Kermit
“Closing Theme” - from The Muppet Show
“Some Enchanted Evening” - Ernie & Bert on The Muppet Show
“The Swedish Chef”
“Teenager In Love”
“Titwillow” - Sam the Eagle and Rowlf
“We're All Naked” - Monologue by Sam the Eagle
“Why do Birds Suddenly Appear” - Kermit, Fozzie and Connie Stevens
“Happy Feet” - Kermit the Frog
“New York State of Mind” - Rowlf
“Ob - La - Dee - Ob - La - Da”
“Octopuses Garden” - Robin, Kermit, Piggy and Animal
“Snakes!?” - Brief monologue by Pepe
“Rag Mopp”
“I Never Made An Onion Cry” - Rowlf
“She Loves You” - Muppet Beatles
“Sweet Vacation” - Kermit, Gonzo, Bean, Vicky
“Lady of Spain” - Marvin Suggs and the Muppaphones
“Mahna Mahna”
“Simon Smith and His Amazing Dancing Bear” - Scooter and Fozzie
“We Got Us” - Entire cast
“When I Say 'here' “ - Funny skit with Kermit and Fozzie
“Six Stringed Orchestra” - Scooter
“Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover” - Floyd and Janice
“Alice In Wonderland” - with Brooke Shields
“Another Opening” - Link, Lew Zealand, Rizzo and Fozzie
“Lullaby On Broadway”
“A Burlesque Show” - Statler and Waldorf
“Ceegerettes and Whaskey” - Peter Sellers
“Chatanooga Choo - Choo” - The Gils Bros.
“Didn't Wanna' Do It” - George Burns
“Don't Go Breakin' My Heart” - Elton John and Miss. Piggy
“Don't Blame the Dynamite” - Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem
“Fit As a Fiddle” - Muppet dogs
“Gargling Gershwin” - Angus McGonogle the Gargling Gargoyle and Mark Hamil
“Good Ol' Summertime” - Floyd and Pearl Bailey
“Drum Off” - Animal and Harry Belefonte
“I Believe in Music” - Mac Davis
“In The Navy” - Viking Pigs
“Inchworm” - Danny Kaye
“Last Time I Saw Him” - Diana Ross
“Minuet in G Major” - the Electric Mayhem
“Momma' Don't Allow” - Dudley Moore
“Muppet Gospel” - Pearl Bailey
“Jazz Instrumental” - Muppet Orchestra
“Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Having Fun” (Bib and napkin, knife and fork is the only way that I'll touch pork!) - Miss Piggy, Kermit and Caribbean Pigs
“Rio Degenaro” - Caribbean Pigs
“Rowlf Sings About Mother Nature” - Rowlf
“Missed the Train to San Francisco” - George Burns
“Something's Missing”
“Sons of the Western Soil” - Roy Rogers
“Stop Children, What's That Sound?” - Forrest Muppets
“Swam Over The Dam” - Muppet Fish
“Temptation” - Muppet Glee Club
“Time in a Bottle”
“Touch Someone's Hand” - Diana Ross
“We Have No Bananas” - Marvin Suggs and his Singing Vegetables
“Why Can't We Be Friends” - Muppet Soldiers
“Your Love Will Live in My Heart” - Linda Rondstat
“Censorship” - Dialogue by Sam the Eagle and Kermit
“Flash! Bam! Alakazam!” - Linda Carter
“Get By With A Little Help from My Friends” - Janice and Tiki God
“Guitar Song” - Floyd
“Open Sesame!” - Marty Feldman
“This Is My Once A Year Day” - Muppet Monsters and Ghosts
“To Morrow” - Jim, Jerry and Frank
“Ukulele Lady” - Kermit, Scooter, Piggy and others
“Stormy Weather” - Wayne and Wanda
“The Witch Doctor” - Marvin Suggs and the Muppaphones
“Rockin' Robin” - The Electric Mayhem
“It's Not Where You Start It's Where You Finish” - Rowlf and Scooter
“Muppet Tonight's Theme”
“The Garden Song” - John Denver
“The Garden Song” - Rowlf
“The Rhyming Song” - Fozzie, Scooter, Link and others
“The Cat Came Back” - Rowlf
Muppet Movies
“The Rainbow Connection” - Kermit from The Muppet Movie
“Movin' Right Along” - Kermit and Fozzie from The Muppet Movie
“America” - Fozzie from The Muppet Movie
“Can You Picture That” - The Electric Mayhem from The Muppet Movie
“I Hope That Somethin' Better Comes Along” - Kermit and Rowlf from The Muppet Movie
“I'm Going to Go Back There Someday” - Gonzo from The Muppet Movie
“Finale - The Magic Store” - from The Muppet Movie
“Happiness Hotel” - from The Great Muppet Caper
“The First Time It Happens” - from The Great Muppet Caper
“Hey A Movie!” - from The Great Muppet Caper
“Saying Goodbye” - from The Muppets Take Manhattan
“I'm Gonna' Always Love You” - from The Muppets Take Manhattan
“Together Again” - from The Muppets Take Manhattan
“You Can't Take No For An Answer” - from The Muppets Take Manhattan
“He'll Make Me Happy” - from The Muppets Take Manhattan
“Jen's Song” - from The Dark Crystal
“One More Sleep 'Til Christmas” - from Muppets Christmas Carol
“Love Lead Us Here” - from Muppet Treasure Island
“Boom Shakalaka” - from Muppet Treasure Island
“I'm Going To Go Back There Someday” - from Muppets From Space
“The Peace Carol” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Christmas Is Coming” - Miss Piggy, Scooter, Gonzo and Robin
“A Baby Just Like You” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Deck the Halls” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Noel, Christmas Eve, 1913” - John Denver and The Muppets
“The Christmas Wish” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Alfie the Christmas Tree” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Silent Night” - John Denver and The Muppets
“We Wish You a Merry Christmas” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” - Rowlf and John Denver
“12 Days of Christmas” - John Denver and The Muppets
“Jingle Bells / Jingle Bell Rock” - Kermit, Robin and the Electric Mayhem
“We Need a Little Christmas” - Entire Cast
Non - Muppet Muppets and Misc.
“Muppet Medley” - The Princeton Nasoons
“Cantina Bar and Muppet Remix” - KMFDM
“The Rainbow Connection” - Sarah McLachlan
“Jim Henson's Dead” - Stephen Lynch
“It's The Muppets!” - WVU Marching Band
“Who Let The Frogs Out”
Now a couple of you PM'd me some requests and I never got to them, SORRY

, so PM me again with an e-mail address and I promise I'll get them to you. Scooter's Girl, I lost the rest of your list and e-mail address, please send me it again and I'll send them to you as soon as I can!