Loony Tunes, a theory as to why the are a tough sell...


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
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Even Disney consulted Chuck Jones for Who Framed Roger Rabbit, but WB didn't want one bit of his involvement on Space Jam (and it shows).
You know, its kind of true.

In retrospect, Space Jam was not really that great. The combination of Loony Tunes and Micheal Jordan (Most likely for commercial reasons) was an odd one. And in many regards, the story was not very strong.

As I kid, I liked Space Jam. Of course, as young kids we all tend to love anything that is animated.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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You know, its kind of true.

In retrospect, Space Jam was not really that great. The combonation of Loony Tunes and Micheal Jordan (Most likely for commercial reasons) was an odd one. And in many regards, the story was not very strong.

As I kid, I liked Space Jam. Of course, as young kids we all tend to love anything that is animated.
WB uses Bugs and the gang like sound bite spouting logos rather than full-formed characters. They don't need a live action or computer gimmick nor do they need to stuff every character into every single shot. All of that dilutes the inherent magic these guys still have.

What should they do? Well, I'd like to see them pick one or two characters to helm a traditionally animated movie musical. They can always pepper the film with other cast members here and there and even movie stars in caricature form to lend brief cameos like they used to do. Get some modern bands to provide a few songs for the soundtrack or the credit sequence and you've got a sure-fire hit.

In a nutshell, take the Looney Tunes back to their roots like Jason Segel is doing with the Muppets. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Let's just get this straight... Space Jam got it wrong where BIA got it right and BIA got it wrong where Space Jam got it right, and together, they both managed to get a LOT wrong. But then again, LT was able to shake that movie off, and still managed to be in the public eye on shirts and on Television. BIA, not so much, and they came up with Loonatics.

I will say, I LOVE how they blended Daffy's pre-Jones wackiness and his Jones era bitterness and hamminess in Space Jam. Other than that, SJ was basically a movie on the premise of old commercials. BIA was a movie that was made to NOT be SJ. Again, I'd LOVE to see a Donner cut someday. even if they have to fudge the animation... or just have the animatics.

Personally, a perfect LT movie would go like this...

the film has to take place in the late 60's, when the studio closes down. All the characters go their separate ways... Bugs still hangs onto his popularity, and manages to get a career on the lecture circuit. All the others fall into nice little jobs/retirements.... and one day Bugs goes to visit Daffy, who has taken the fall seriously. He's living in a run down place, he seems deeply depressed and he's become extremely reclusive. He doesn't even deal with the situation is his usual fiery anger. That's when Bugs decides that it's high time to take it up with the studio muckidy mucks, and when they refuse, he plans a comeback by himself and calls everyone back. If nothing else, for hating seeing what become of Daffy, who gets back his regular personality as soon as they start back up... thus touching up on their relationship as rivals and freidns.

Buuuut I guess WB would rather do one where Bugs dances to hip hop from 20 years ago and wonder why they just can't sell them.