Looking for "Bimble" Brian Froud Plush


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I asked her if she could just sell me Bimble, I'm not sure of the price, but now I am thinking about pickle too lol. So close to the whole set its hard not too!

But if I do get him, I might just sell off the others to pay for him, since I really need to downsize my collectables. I have way too many plush ones for my cabinet, from fraggles to ones i made myself:smile:

I'd love for you to see some of my work, I am still working on my website, but my icon is one of my sculptures I did.

Maybe I can be Froudian of the month when my website looks a little better:smile: Do you know of any Free artist website I can host my artwork? Your look great, did you pay a lot for them?

If you sell all your extras, which you should at only $30 each, you should make a lot of your money back! and maybe even a profit!

If I still lived at home I would have bought the both sets in a heartbeat, but now that im married and trying to fix up my house, its not high priority like it use to be.

Anyways, take care!


Dec 15, 2008
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You made the one in your avatar--looks great! I wish I could see a bigger picture :smile:

(if you have any of your work that you want to share and you have pics of, you can email them to me at faeryspellcreations@gmail.com--I'd love to see them!)

All the sites I have my stuff up on are free--well, etsy you pay .20 cents a listing but they are up for three months at a time...Elfwood you have to apply for, same with Global Fantasy Dolls--though elfwood is free once you are accepted, and Global Fantasy Dolls has a small membership fee, but you can donate sculpts for them to sell for charity that offsets the membership.

Myspace is free and I've found it's brought my work to the attention of a lot of people, so I think it's definitely worth it to have a page there. My yahoo store--that's only $40/month and that includes your domain name, too, so it's not so bad.

I used to have free sites on bravenet (starting to build another there but don't it finished, yet), and freeservers--the only thing with a free site is the ads they put on it and they can delete it any time without warning, so usually it's worth it to pay at least the min. to keep the ads off and your site up--on freeservers that's only$4.95/month.

Anyway, I hope you do get that Bimble and Pickle! She seems to get a lot in....I can't wait to get mine, it's a splurge I'm allowing myself because I've wanted them since they first came out :stick_out_tongue:

Keep an eye out for Blossom, and I'll do the same with you for the others that you want! :smile:

Have a fabulous New Year,
FaerySpell Creations

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Isn't Deviant Art a free art-hosting site? Oh, and hello to FerrisBelle. *Looking for good artist/illustrator/sculptors myself for own custom projects. Welcome to Muppet Central. :big_grin: