ah the glory days.
This thread makes me so nostalgic. I wish I could see some of these skecthes again.
If only Jim and Jerry were still around to carry the torch. It's a shame that the show went from something so groundbreaking and innovative to something so bland and generic. The social overtones are all but lost in this era, the humor subjected to the ugly hand of political correctness. And all at the cost of a brilliant educational children's series which reached out and spoke with kids on a mutual level, respecting their intelligence and youthful imagination and creativity. Now it's all but a kid's show, talking to kids, as though they were kids. With sappy characters, condescending dialogue. The wit and charm is all gone. I think these type of sketches were perfect because children got out of them the most important lessons which were the basis for these skits in foundation, while still opening their developing minds up to the world around them, albeit in a fantasticaly creative and imaginative way. Meanwhile, the adults appreciated these sketches on an entirely different level. It was such a brilliant forumla. The medley of visuals, song, colors, dialogue, humor, etc. This was a world only Jim could touch. I'd love to be able to find it again and relive these memories and moments from my childhood. Until I found this forum and began reading posts like these, they were all lost in obscurity.