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Least favorite Fraggle episodes


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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You're absolutely right; there's no such thing as "worst" when it comes to Fraggle Rock. It's actually my favorite show; how could I have labeled that with the word "worst"? My apologies.

Mind you, these are just my opinions, but some of the ones you listed (Sidebottom Blues, Gone But Not Forgotten, Beyond The Pond and especially River Of Life) are considered some of my favorites. I think the reason I like the later ones better is because the characters are more developed. You may think that the plots have been recycled, but I think that they're new. Also, the only reason I don't think that the first two seasons are my favorites is because of the character development. Which is only natural; characters don't really have the characteristics that define them in the beginning. Nobody's fault, it's just the truth about shows. But I agree very much with you about the use of Doozers, Uncle Matt being the dim-witted comedy relief, and my least favorite Fraggle Rock character. Also, I'd have to say that, after watching all 96 episodes, my least favorite episodes are:

5. Mokey, Then And Now: In the words of anyone who's been sprayed with boredom juice... boooooorrring! Mokey's had some really great episodes. It's a shame that her last episode wasn't good, especially since it's the only "Mokey-themed" episode in Season 5.
4. Doozer Contest: Flange and Modem arguing was really dull and forced. And it was obvious that Wembley's wembling would settle the matter.
3. All Work And All PLay: I didn't like this episode when I got it in 1993, and nothin's changed. I'm just not a fan of Doozers.
2. Let The Water Run: Red wasn't my favorite character in the beginning, and this episode explains that.
And still holding my least favorite episode, which, by the way, will be on DVD later on this month (along with my Number 3), is Catch The Tail By The Tiger: Same reason as before.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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Oh wait! I guess I can play this game after all. Even though it does have it's moments, I may hafta say that " 30 Minute Work Week " is prolly my least favorite... although, the Wembley puppet in that episode is one of the cutest in the series. ... and the Trash Heap is really funny in this one despite her creepiness.

I mainly just have issues with the " birdbeaked " Gobo puppet as that version of him is much too prominant in that episode. I've heard that this episode is also the first ever filmed. True? " 30 Minture Work Week ", " You Can't Do That Without A Hat " and uhh... one of the others of the first 13 shows are noticably more ...archaic compared to the rest of that season. They also all have that cave with the construction paper doozers on the walls. I've always wondered who's cave that was s'posed to be. :smirk:



Mar 25, 2005
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"You Can't Do That Without a Hat" is probably my least favorite. The writing and performances are no where near as refined as later in the series, plus there's the additional onscreen blooper of the scenery being bumped (look for the walls shaking toward the end of 'Lost and Found').

I'm not terribly fond of Wander McMooch, so "Junior Sells the Farm" and "Home is Where the Heart is" would end up on my least favorite list too.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2002
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ok, i just can't hold back anymore. i must comment. In my own personal opinion, i thought seasons 4 and 5 although short were pretty solid...with the exception of a couple episodes. but for the most part, esp gone but not forgotten, beyond the pond and the river of life, i thought were pretty decent! AS for my least favorite episodes...most happened in season 1. the first 12 before they changed appearance, i thought were just not as good and fun. I hated Mokey's Funeral for a while because of boredom and weirdness...All Work and All Play i agree is very boring and i wish they weren't putting that one on the next dvd. Battle of Leaking Roof i did not enjoy too much.

what's wrong with having lessons learned in fraggle rock? i thought gone but not forgotten gave a very powerful message


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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Beige said:
"You Can't Do That Without a Hat" is probably my least favorite. The writing and performances are no where near as refined as later in the series, plus there's the additional onscreen blooper of the scenery being bumped (look for the walls shaking toward the end of 'Lost and Found').

I'm not terribly fond of Wander McMooch, so "Junior Sells the Farm" and "Home is Where the Heart is" would end up on my least favorite list too.
It's kinda odd that the plot of " You Can't bla bla bla w/o a hat " was almost repeated later in the same season I believe, in the episode " I Don't Care ".



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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getup said:
what's wrong with having lessons learned in fraggle rock? i thought gone but not forgotten gave a very powerful message
Producer Jim never really "got" the show and was too focused on the fact that every episode had an "educational mesage"--
While writers like Jerry Juhl and Jocelyn Stevenson were more oriented to the five specific characters and the philosophical Muppet-logic silliness of the Rock in general, and knew how to grow the messages organically out of the story and the ambience...

As a result, the two styles became more oil-and-water, and by the fifth season, pushing "this week's lesson" in the hands of some of the lesser writers seemed more like time-fillers that made the characters too secondary.
Feb 28, 2005
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Hmm, i can't post any least favorite episodes right now.. I'll update later, can't think of any. but Let the water run being someone's least favorite? That's really odd.. I thought that was absolutely brilliant, I loved the writing of the earlier episodes.. those were amazing.

---- just read through the rest of the posts.. a bit shocked, but that's ok.. Sidebottom blues and you can't do that without a hat, once again, two of my absolute favorite episodes - which is why we should all really come to the conclusion there just isn't such think as a 'bad' fraggle rock episode.. everyone seems to be observant of specific details that others may have missed when it comes to their favorite episodes.. I still can't get over the first time i saw sidebottom blues and how blown away I was at the brilliance of it, the entire concept just blew my mind, for a kids show and all.. maybe take a second look at the one's that seemed so 'lacking' of excitement, those to often turn out to be the more thoughtful, intelligent ones capible of planting the seed for kids to really think about concepts much larger than themselves..


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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pigOnantibiotix said:
---- just read through the rest of the posts.. a bit shocked, but that's ok.. Sidebottom blues and you can't do that without a hat, once again, two of my absolute favorite episodes - which is why we should all really come to the conclusion there just isn't such think as a 'bad' fraggle rock episode.. everyone seems to be observant of specific details that others may have missed when it comes to their favorite episodes.. I still can't get over the first time i saw sidebottom blues and how blown away I was at the brilliance of it, the entire concept just blew my mind, for a kids show and all..
Been a while since I've seen it, but make sure you're not confusing "Sidebottom Blues" with the original "Boober's Quiet Day":
Like other "retread" episodes, "Blues" seemed to be just taking a recognized second/third-season favorite and trying to squeeze a little more juice out of it--

Also, even "this week's lesson" seems to be a bit confused: The "Blues" plot had Sidebottom's "fun" nature finding an optimistic way of getting the gang out of every scrape, including Gorgs, which Boober's pessimism couldn't see--
Now, if the message were the Mormon-ad-like "Sometimes, there's a fun way of resolving any tense situation, if you just look"--combined with the obvious message about Boober's "expert" nature being important too--that might make sense...As it is, we get a swerving last-minute "Tell the truth and be yourself" message.
Er, oh, sure, of course it is. How silly of me. :confused:
Seemed like it been through one too many story-editor rewrites.

(As for "Quiet Day", OTOH---I still find myself quoting Goelz/Boober's "Laundry all done..." whenever I kick back for an evening...)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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DerekJ said:
Producer Jim never really "got" the show and was too focused on the fact that every episode had an "educational mesage"--
While writers like Jerry Juhl and Jocelyn Stevenson were more oriented to the five specific characters and the philosophical Muppet-logic silliness of the Rock in general, and knew how to grow the messages organically out of the story and the ambience...

As a result, the two styles became more oil-and-water, and by the fifth season, pushing "this week's lesson" in the hands of some of the lesser writers seemed more like time-fillers that made the characters too secondary.

Another case of over-analization crushing enjoyment.... or so it seems to this layfraggle. :smirk:



Here's my list:

-Secret of Convincing John (I expected more from a CJ centered ep).
-Mokey's Funeral(love "Ragtime Queen", but sadly this makes the list).
-Boober Rock(probably my all-time least fav, but this list is in no particular order).
-Boober Gorg(heard great things about it, but was overall very disapointed).