Lawrence "Larry" King


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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i think it is a lack of order, and structure. Our kids have to deal with so much more then i did when i was in school, and with that i think there needs to be tighter rules, and a lot more love. I truly believe that what is wrong with this is love, or the miss understanding of it. Parents are way to busy these days, and that leaves kids alone to have to fgure things out for themselfs.
Now i have strong covictions about being "Gay", and i also feel very strongly about muder. That does not mean if someone of my gender asked me out, that i would shoot them. I would be there friend, but if they could not handle that then i would ask them nicely to get over me.
Being "Gay" man we have talked about it on here before and it got pretty heated, but I know that there are some members who are that way, and all i can say is I wish I understood it more. So many times in my life i have been taught aginst stuff i don't understand, and i think it hurts me not to understand. I'm a guy and when i look at another guy thats all i see. When i look at a girl i see someone who is preety and someone i could love. I just don't understand the mindset i gusses is what i'm trying to say.

I hope no one gets mad about what i have said, I am just trying to understand more, before i condem people.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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So many times in my life i have been taught aginst stuff i don't understand, and i think it hurts me not to understand. I'm a guy and when i look at another guy thats all i see. When i look at a girl i see someone who is preety and someone i could love. I just don't understand the mindset i gusses is what i'm trying to say.

I hope no one gets mad about what i have said, I am just trying to understand more, before i condem people.
To me, it's the same feeling that gay people have that straight people do as far as love and attraction. No big mystery, but there are groups out there that believe it serves their purpose to perpetuate a sinister perception. This creates a lack of respect and tolerance.

:search: One does not have to agree or support another to tolerate them. The Pat Robinsons and James Dobsons of the world, in my opinion, help fuel hate crimes. Their words and actions serve to make gay men and women second class citizens and second class human beings to those who would do harm. I'm not interested in changing their minds or those of other people - but I do try (personally and with my vote) to curb how those views affect my life and the lives of my gay friends.

There is a mode of thinking from certain extremist groups (that are actually not the norm however loudly they talk) that the very idea that gay people have the right to exist and thrive puts others in jeopardy. This is repeated in sermons and rhetoric and that serves as a justification for hate crimes. There is no justification for such actions, but hate is like a rabid dog – the question posed is who’s feeding it?

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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It is a horrible thing to hear about this happening.

When will the world become a more tolerable place? The sad thing is that Jim's work is being completely ignored. There is NO REASON why we can't all love one another and get along.

Hate, for any reason, is horrible.

(To answer an earlier question posed to me, this is in General Discussion and is okay by me to be here.) I just hope nobody is heartless enough to turn this into a hate thread.

It's a very sad thing to see happen.