yay! my little ponies! i kind of was a girlie girl when i was little--i liked patent leather shoes & watching figure skating. but i wasn't into anything the other girlie girls liked...i used to watch the lawrence welk show for fashion ideas

then you couldn't get me near a skirt in middle school or high school. now i'm getting back in touch with my girlie side, but i'm still happily oblivious to anything trendy. & i've always liked the gender neutral toys the best--blocks, coloring books, plush animals, old school legos
i loved My Little Ponies--my friends and i used to pretend we were ponies on the playground and make up what color mane we would have and what symbol woud be on our hip. i didn't know the ponies had names until you guys were talking about it here...did they have a tv show or something? apparently, one of my favorites was "Starshine" (white pegasus, rainbow mane & tail), which i named Milky, but i lost her at the Shop 'n' Save. still devastated. my other favorite is apparently called "Medley" (green pegasus, sparkly musical notes on hip), but she's Green Bean to me.