That is a very professionally rendered Kermit. Nice work on that all around.
According to American law, it is illegal to replicate (for sale or not) someone else's intellectual property without permission. In this case, Kermit the Frog is a property that is owned by The Walt Disney Company.
An example of someone who has licensed the character to sell copies is Master Replicas. They paid a bunch of cash for those rights and also provide a cut of every sale to The Walt Disney Company. That's just how it works.
That having been said, the Walt Disney Company isn't going to pay a lawyer to track you down and slap you with a lawsuit for making a replica of Kermit for yourself. Legally, they could... but it would be a waste of money for them to do it. And they don't have "Disney Cops" planting secret cameras in cities across the nation to catch hobbyists making replica Kermits for themselves. Disney, contrary to popular belief, does not have "Thought Police" on staff.
In the case of some recent folks who really were making money on replicating and selling Disney owned Muppet characters, I'm sure that after a certain amount of money was made by the perp, it warranted a "Cease and Desist" letter from Disney. That's usually the first thing they do. If you don't heed the warning, THEN they send real lawyers after you.
Long and short: Nobody's going to stop you from making your own Kermit. Just don't be stupid and try to make 200 of them and sell them on eBay or make really nasty videos with him and post them to YouTube. Be a hobbyist and you'll be fine.
And as far as getting someone to make you one? Even if you can, you'll be better off doing it yourself. You'll learn stuff. You'll develop skills. You'll have (gasp!) FUN!
That's what I suggest.