Sorry I didn't say what channel it was. I feel that I let down a lot of Muppet Fans. 235 was the channel on Dish Network. I taped it tho if anyone would like to trade. It was about I would say 10 or 20 minute. Tony asked Kermit about his tour he was taking. They showed a clip from the Muppet Show DVD episode. I don't know which clip but it had to be from the season one. It's Kermit talking to Piggy on stage about she was spoused to do an opening number and all. His next stop he said was going to be the something Rockets show. Then Tony had the audiunce ask question about Kermit and Piggy. Sorry that I didn't know about it at all. I was on the computer and had the tv on. Just turned it on and R&K were on then The Tony Danza Show came on. Didn't watch it at all. Just like I had said I turned on the tv and left it there. I was going to change it later on but I didn't. I guess it was a magacial thing. It was cool to see Kermit and Piggy on TV once again talking about stuff coming up in the next year. Tony mention to Kermit about the Muppets doing a reality show and all. It's like GW said that it could just be dropped and all thats what Kermit said. Thats about all I can say. Maybe someone else can clear some stuff up.