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Kermie's Girl (ushy-gushy fanfic)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Okay, now that I read through it again making some small fixes, here are some thoughts.

1 Dunno if you meant it this way, but I keep seeing Tricia as a grown yet still youthful Muppet molegirl version of Ginny. And I'm liking her interaction with Clifford.

2 *Tries to think how Piggy—or any other famed actress for that matter—would get the other kind of article she received.
Fanboy, with some sense of inner delight goes into the intimate apparel store.
Saleswoman: Can I help you?
Fanboy: I'm just looking for something for…my girl.
Saleswoman gives him a look of "oh really?"
Fanboy tries to weather her look as he makes his purchase.
*Back home, fanboy makes sure the article won't be creased or damaged as he puts it in a big enough mailer in hopes of getting it back with his desired's autograph.
Yeah... I'm just gonna move on. That kind of thing makes it harder for the rest of us who've never stepped foot in one of those places.

3 Harrison's comment when dipping Kristen... It reminds me of the edited footage when John Henson—not Jim's second son, no relation to Jim's family either—the host of E!'s Talk Soup spliced himself into the shot where John Travolta says, "like, there must be two of me."

4 *Waits to see who else gets the reference when the girls called Piggy out on what she was writing to Kermit.

5 When Piggy's "confronting" Fleet at the mailbox, she says that he can't make things nice by saying what he thinks she wants to hear.
This is something that needed to be adressed between them. It makes me think Piggy's making a stand for herself, somewhat akin to the new movie when Kermit tries to get her back not for getting "her" back but getting her back for the purpose of saving the theater that's been like a second home to them.

6 As good as my word... Yeah, way to go Fleet, make her feel worse, that'll win her over.
He's implying that he'll always be there, unlike the frog who couldn't make it because the edits they'd worked hard and frenetically on making somehow went missing, meaning they had to do it all over again cancelling whatever plans both her husband and chief assistant respectively had.

7 The buddy Rowlf happens to know, would that be a certain affable amphibian?

8 Not sure I like Piggy actively seeking Fleet to figure out who was posing as her agent, Marty, here in New York. But at least that little bubble's popped. Good thing she hurried back inside after the conversation with Scribbler before he had a chance to overtake her. *Creep alert activate.

Thanks for posting, hope to read more when you can get it to us.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Yay for a new update! I loved the part when Piggy decided to write Kermit a letter instead of a text or e-mail- I'm sure Kermit will love it when he gets the letter in the mail- and he better come to New York soon to protect his lady from all of these creeps!!

Interesting to read how Piggy was trying to figure out what Scribbler meant, and even more interesting that it affected her so much- glad to read her getting a little angry that Kermit didn't show up for the premiere- she definitely had a right to be angry and hopefully she won't bottle that up forever. Loved the bit with Rowlf and how he described what happened to Kermit- that's definitely the way Rowlf would put it.

As always, can't wait to read more!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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Hmmm. Musing cap on...

Okay, in no particular order:
Asking Fleet about Stalker Seymour's identity is actually a good idea, from a purely practical standpoint; Fleet has NOT been aware that Seymour followed Piggy to NYC as well, and I could absolutely see him going out of his way to ruin anyone trying to harm "his pig." However, that does amount to using the scrawny little hack, and honestly you've made him a sympathetic enough character (well, maybe that's the wrong word, but the schmuck has pathos now!) that I'd wince to see him so blatantly used...but maybe they can come to some sort of understanding. If only Fleet could get over the whole Kermit thing!

Chocolates and undies! Er...not to be indelicate, but would anyone else in the cast even fit in scanty lacy thingies meant for Piggy?

:mad: Grrr...WATCH IT, concussion-brain!
:news: Huh?? It wasn't me! It was that OTHER newsperson!
:mad: Yeah, right!

Um. Oops.
LOVE Piggy writing an actual love letter, for the same reason I sent out actual Valentines this year. Mail is becoming a lost art. And I doubt Piggy would actually refer to any of the delectable positions from the Kama Frogra...in public, anyway...

The other couples were a nice treat for this V-Day as well: Tricia and Cliff (hmm...are they planning on trying out some of those hastily-hidden prizes later?) and Rowlf and a high-strung pooch made for nice additions. Gotta love the old "just one'a the pack" date nights!

Sounds like Kermit and Scooter are back on track. I hope the saboteurs have nothing worse in store for them...or else there's gonna be a Classic Frog Meltdown!

Kudos on a wonderful chapter!!

Uh, hey Ed. Clerks don't give snooty looks anymore. Anyone buying anything is a GOOD thing these days! They only look at men funny when asked where the dressing rooms are....:wink:


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2011
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The Forum is alive with the sound of Ush Gush!
With the crashes of love makes the day new!! Happy V-Day Rue!! I enjoyed Piggy writing a letter to her beloved Kermit and chocolates and lingerie just kinda made me blush, only because I found some in my mum's drawer from when she was in her twenties.... Scary thought that!:scary: Newsie, Men actually ask for where the dressing rooms are located? And how would you know?:wink: As always, I love to hear your stories! Please have a wonderful day!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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Yay for ush gush! (Sneaking in to check on the forum--supposed to be writing papers....)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Very sneaky of Ru. Don't forget there's an open convo I've got if you want to chime in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Whoa, hate to interupt the paper talk, but...
*blinks eyes*
No Way!
*Rubs eyes*
Wait... Way! It's Ru! OMGONZO! Happiness!
It's been so long! *Checks watch* It's been...
Oh, my watch doesn't work.
Anyway! Nice chapter, and good to see you back!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Bringing this masterpiece back to the top where it deservedly belongs, especially today, in honor of Aunt Ru.
*Hope my own attempt at frog-pig loving was good enough given such high standards.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Bringing this masterpiece back to the top where it deservedly belongs, especially today, in honor of Aunt Ru.
*Hope my own attempt at frog-pig loving was good enough given such high standards.
Yes. Bravo count. That was very nice, allow me to contribute with this post!

And yes, especially Ru!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
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It was dark and quite late when Kermit inserted his key into the lock of the sprawling Spanish-style home he and Piggy had bought shortly after
the studio had offered him a corner office. “At least,” he though dismally, “she hasn’t changed the locks.” Piggy’s meteoric rise to super-stardom had furnished any luxuries not already existing in the property. It was an inviting, comfortable, stylish and altogether homey place. Kermit thought—not for the first time—that he saw the inside of it far too little and far too infrequently to suit him. These thoughts were not far from his mind, but they weren’t foremost.
Foremost, of course, was the shameful way he had treated Piggy that afternoon. When take after take had failed to produce the film they’d needed, he’d degenerated into the sort of autocratic, grouchy, dictatorial perfectionist he’d always despised. With far more dignity than he’d expected—or shown himself—Piggy had simply excused herself and gone to her trailer. When she’d finally left for home, Kermit couldn’t say, but he remembered with chagrin the way she had nailed her performance every single take. Regardless of technical difficulties, the flubbed lines of others, her own fatigue and in spite of—rather than because of his guidance—she’d turned in a stellar performance every time the film had rolled. Piggy could take her place among the notable divas of any generation—grandstanding with the best of them--but when the situation called for it, she could act. And, he admitted, she had been professional, unlike a certain frog he could mention. The memory made his cheeks burn with shame.
The house was dimly lit. Kermit had almost concluded that Piggy had gone upstairs to bed when he saw the ambient light from the den. A small table had been pulled up cozily next to the plushy recliner, and on it sat an untouched mug of hot chocolate. The light of the lamp revealed Piggy nestled into the curve of the chair. Her eyes were closed, her honeyed locks were pulled up on top of her head with a clip and she was swathed in some sort of caftan-like garment that covered her from chin to toes. In sleep, her profile was soft, unguarded. Overwhelmed with tenderness, Kermit knelt in front of her. Some ingrained awareness of his proximity made her stir, her eyelids flutter open.
“Kermie?” Her voice was muffled, clouded with sleep.
“Yes, Piggy,” he answered softly. “It’s me.”
She seemed to rouse herself, looking down at her husband cautiously. Her mouth opened, but she closed it without comment, her eyes searching his face. Kermit saw the uncertainty, acknowledging it with pain.
“Honey—“ Kermit began, but something she had read there on his face—contrition, apology, need--had moved her. Piggy leaned forward and kissed him without preamble, her lips velvety-soft over his. Kermit stood suddenly, lips still locked with hers and swept Piggy up in his arms.
“Kermie—you shouldn’t,” she began automatically. “You’ll hurt yourself.” Men are, from time to time, permitted small, complimentary lies in the pursuit of l’amour--thank goodness.
“Nonsense, Darling,” Kermit murmured, smiling at her. “You’re light as a feather.” With the weight of guilt off his shoulders, he could have lifted a Buick (which was, perhaps, just as well) and carried it across the country. Or, at the very least, to the couch.
At the edge of the overstuffed divan, Kermit lowered her to her feet, but did not loosen his hold on her. He pressed a kiss into her hair and felt her hands tighten on his shirtfront, leaning into his embrace. He pulled back ever-so-slightly and Piggy looked at him, her eyes dark with wonder and longing. It was all the encouragement Kermit needed and he tightened his arms around her. Her arms had crept to his shoulders, and now one soft hand was caressing the nape of his neck. Somehow, his shirt had escaped from his trousers, and her other satiny hand was slipping up his back. Kermit shifted his hold on her, and the silk robe she wore made a papery sigh, molding to him like a second skin with static electricity. He tried to pull it free and received a fat sparky zap, making him yelp and Piggy giggle.
“What is this thing you’re wearing,” he demanded grumpily. “This isn’t like you at all.”
Piggy laughed softly, her voice low and teasing.
“It’s a muumuu, Kermie.”
“Well it certainly doesn’t look like….” He trailed off as Piggy slipped the robe from her shoulders, revealing a sweet but rather skimpy negligee. “There’s my girl,” he said with satisfaction. “I can always count on you Piggy.”
Piggy grew still in his arms and her gaze on him was intent. Kermit could feel the muffled beating of her heart against his ribcage, liked the warm solid feel of her in his arms.
“You can, you know,” Piggy said at last. “You always can.”
There was a moment then, when something timeless and important hung between them—all the things said and unsaid, felt, sensed, known—then Piggy nestled up against him and pressed her face into his neck.
“I do know,” Kermit said fervently. “I promise—I do.”
For the last time, Kermit pulled away, but just enough to see her face.
“I haven’t been taking good care of you, Piggy,” he said softly. “That’s going to change.”
Her face softened and she looked at him solemnly. The trust in her eyes made him want to be a better frog. Starting now.
oh god i'm in love like for sure :flirt: