sigh. my two cents: they shouldn't ban it, but they shouldn't have made it like that either.
SW is spineless and pandering to the most shallow adults to ban a video because of some youtube comments...but they made the darned video in the first place because they are spineless and pandering to the most shallow adults to try to convince them that the show is trendy enough to show their kids.
in addition to spoofing the current trends, Sesame Street used to do spoofs of 20s through 60s celebrities/songs too, and have celebrity guests of wider renown, and from a wider range of professions. now they stick mostly to the flavor of the week.
look at the celebrity list for this season. almost all actors in recent tv shows or movies aimed at a young audience (therefore i've never heard of half of them). a couple of comedians, a journalist & a football player. for musicians it's katy perry, the run dmc guy & someone from american idol.
no classical, jazz, folk, or rock musicians, no painters or sculptors, no theater actors, no dancers, no tennis players, no gymnasts, no architects or gardeners or animal tamers, no [insert interesting profession here]. there are only two celebrities of an older generation or who transcend generation (run & mckean). and they're mostly not being used in creative ways, either--they're almost all the word of the day, & which neither spoofs nor showcases what they're known for--it can be done by anyone. so they pick a bunch of b-list actors who are currently enjoying their 15 minutes of fame.
and this is the way they promote it, too. they think they need to convince grownups of the parenting age that the show is still hip, and that it's still the same cool-for-adults-too show as always but still has contemporary relevance. so they point to the celebrity guests & the spoofs, and how current they are. doesn't mean they're good. & it doesn't mean parents & kids wouldn't watch a less mainstream celebrity...
it seems like they used to start with the education goal and think of a play on words that they could use as a spoof, no matter when the movie or song was from, no matter if anybody watching would get the joke. now they think they need to pack the celebrity list with trendy people (at the expense of their own characters...for crying out loud, there's more celebrities than episodes, and yet how often do we get to see the regular characters

so they try too hard to pick trendy celebrities, and dress them in trendy outfits, and do trendy dances with elmo. they go overboard and it gets a little inappropriate. but all they can think about is how it's going to get shallow trendy young parents to think it's a cool show. then people complain, rightly about the outfit in my opinion but wrongly about the content of the song. so they pull it, because that's what the trendy youtube commenting bloggers want, and for gosh sakes, they've got to be trendy.
when you try to be cool, you just look like an idiot. when you just be yourself, people will like you. especially if you're as talented & creative as the collective team that makes sesame street is. for heaven's sake, i wish they'd take a lesson from their own book on this one, and write for themselves again, and air whatever they want, without worrying about whether people will think they're cool enough for today's audience. they will be if they stop tryng so hard.