Ya know, this is totaly random...as I'm a random kinda guy but to be perfectly honest I have never said the word "sexy" out loud....Is there anbody else like that..er, not with that word but words that you know, hear a lot, see, even write sometime but you have NEVER said them to anyone...weird huh?
hmmm, what other words have i never said or can't really remember saying? PC... like in computer?...I have NEVER said the two letters put together to say PC...NEVER! Ummm what else, this is weird, it's like taking me ten minutes to post this cause i'm thinking...LOL...hmm, orthadontist!...i have never said that word aloud, never!
Zack)Rowlf the, am i sick or something to be thinking about dis stuff? oh sorry,...We should all bow down to Sarah, Dog.