All of the Jazzy spies cartoons are wonderfully druggy and psychedelic, but how can you not like them? They're from 1969!
1969, oh, 1969.....Let's see:
Number 2: 2 elevators show 2 fish, 2 George Washingtons, 2 hands shaking each other
Number 3: shows three ring circus, three balls, a 3-light traffic light
Number 4: shows table, 4-legged animal, and an airplane shaped like a a four
Number 5: showing how dated this is, the Jackson Five rides a giant lizard of some sort
Number 6: the most unsuccessful one in my opinion....this one includes six Chinese men underneath one of the those parade dragons, but how does this teach the number 6?
Number 7: another abstract one: a magician makes 7 rabbits and two seven's appear
Number 8: eightball, octopus. A centipede eats an 8-petaled flower, which is eaten by a spider, which, in turn, is eaten by a snake shaped like 8
Number 9: ?
Number 10: kinda a "best-of" of the first 9: the characters from the previous segments (the spider, the magician, George Washington) watching the racecars in a race