I've had some more food for thought


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Well Kendra, in 1 Corinthians 7:39 Paul says that a wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if he dies she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but only in the Lord. Meaning one who is a true whole-hearted follower of the Lord. Earlier in verses 12-16 he speaks about those who have a non-Christian partner in cases specifically where one half has become a Christian after marriage. If they are happy to live with their spouses who are in the Lord they must not divorce them for they may perhaps win them over by their example.

In 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 he speaks in warning against being mismatched with unbelievers. This implies marriage if you are already a Christian and so you ideally should not marry someone who isn't. You would be better off side-by-side with a fellow believer right from the start. Those who are into non-Christian marriages before conversion have a different sort of responsibility but we should not seek out to be in that situation if we are not called to it.

I can't think of any other scripture off the top of my head though I was sure somewhere the Bible spelt it out even more clearly. Perhaps William or someone else could shed a bit more light for us Kendra.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Here's something form the answer of genises website about marrage!Purpose of marriage

Malachi 2:15 declares that an important purpose of marriage is to produce godly offspring—progeny that are trained in the ways of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 19. Also, Paul, in Ephesians 5, makes it clear that when a man and woman marry, they become one flesh (because they were one flesh historically—Eve was made from Adam). In addition, the man and woman must be one spiritually so they can fulfill the command to produce godly offspring. This is why Paul states in 2 Corinthians 6:14, ‘Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship does righteousness have with lawlessness? And what partnership does light have with darkness?’

According to the Bible then, which of the impending marriages in the illustration (below, right) does God counsel against entering into?
Impending marriages illustration

The answer is obvious—the third one. According to the Bible, the priority in marriage is that a Christian should marry only a Christian.
The Bible does teach that you should not marry somebody who is not saved/christain. So to me, it's not so much about wanting to change sombodys beliefs or not, but it's if we do not share the same beliefs with somone, then you should not get married to that person. It's about obedience to God.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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That's okay William. What you posted did help to back up and illustrate the point. :smile:

I hope it helps Kendra.


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Marty, I just want to say that as you're going through this time and trying to make your decision, we are always here for you! Thank you for these updates. We will always be here, ready and willing to listen to you! :smile:

I really do believe... well actually, I know (and I do know you know) that you have the spiritual strength and the faith to learn and discover what's truly right for you. Take a little time, think about the options, listen to your heart... and when the right decision comes to you, you will definitely know it. I really believe that. You know the main things that you want and that are the most important to you, and that really is a wonderful start already. Now, all you have to do is let time and God lead you to what you're meant to do. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Bless you Caroline. I believe what you say is true as well. :smile:

I know I can find what God's purposes are for me in my walk with Him and I know the prayers of my brothers and sisters are guides to help me along the path the Spirit will take me. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I have asked Major Colin about the possibility of getting some boxes for packing with since I have definitely made up my mind about moving back into the family home in August. He has promised to see about it for me and my friend who has started picking me up for the youth meetings again has said he could get me some from work as well.

I have started going to Friday mass and cuppa afterwards with my own Parish and I feel like I will slowly start to blend in socially over the chat time. I will get some support in my decision to move as well I'm sure. I'll mention it this Friday coming up. It'll all work out. I know it will. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2006
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Of coarse it'll work out Marty, God will look after you. I knew you'd make the right decision, as I said in one of your other threads, just 'follow your heart'. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Aaawww. God bless you Katie. (cuddle cuddle)
Thank you. You're so sweet.:smile: :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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That's wonderful, Marty! I know it'll go great for you, moving back into your family home.

And it's so great that you know you'll start to blend in with your Parish as well. I'm sure you will definitely get the support you desire from them about your decision. It's perfect to stay strong, believe and have faith. I know it will work out for you, too! :smile: