Originally posted by grail
uh-oh! them's fighting words! now don't make me sic the boys on you...you wouldn't like that. especially George, he's been testy ever since getting that hole in his chest...heh heh.
(yes, this is really what my friends do in their spare time...and i have a half built Dooku saber around here somewhere...i told you i'm an amateur prop-builder, right?)
you may be right about the naming thing though, but i was pretty sure he was not considered expanded universe. may have to ask one of the force.net guys...
if you're still up for battle, perhaps we can do so at MuppetFest...i think i can throw something together that would both groovy and functional. kinda. (sorry, i may be a phan of physics, but there's only one theory that i've ever heard that holds any water for me when it comes to actual lightsabers, and well, lets just say it's beyond my capabilities)
LoL...When Star Wars geeks ATTACK! EACHOTHER!!
I'll talk to some of the other nerdies I know about the expanded universe thing. The reason I was so sure was in one of my friends comics (shes a HUGE SW geek and also a comic book nerdess also, which is a horrible combination for a poor person) there was an ad that said something to the extent of what I previously posted...Something like "Anyone not addressed by name in the saga. Get to know these characters and the lives they lead through Dark Horse Comics!!," or something.
Hahaha! I guess your friends found out that the contests couldnt be won by their knowledge of the force, but by their skills with a light saber (I hated that "knowledge of the force scene." I guess its against Jedi nature to throw heavy things at people, but Yoda SO could have had him with that pillar...).
I don't actually have the mentioned prop, and with good reason. The actual ones they see in SWMonthly (I think thats the title, I don't subscribe) is expensive as heck. I think if you'd like to dual we can leave the props aside and go for the plastic kids ones from Toys R Us that look like the light up things they sell at parades and Disney on Ice.

So uh..yes. Yeah I'll accept your duel invitation, but you gotta buy your own saber.