The only shows on VH1 I watch are the I Love the *decade* shows. I love the Holidays was good too. Other than that, aaarrrgggghhhh! I cant stand any of those shows on VH1. And they only show anything related to music early in the morning, starting around 3 AM ending at about 11. And even then they dont show anything good.
Now, VH1 Classic is a great channel. Ok, they do show the I love the *decade* shows too, but other than that it is all music. Its got music videos, documentaries, concerts, and other specials all involving music. It specializes in the 60s, 70s, and 80s. I love Metal Mania. Although half of what they swhow isnt really metal. I mean, Bon Jovi is not metal. well, they are considered (or were) hair metal...but anyway, everything you see on Metal Mania is what I listen to. and fortunatly its not that real hard stuff. Sure they show some Iron Maiden and Metallica, but they also show Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue, Quiot Riot, ect. And Ozzy Osbourne
They do show some modern things on CLassic, but only from old bands from the 70s and 80s making new songs.
Plus they show Pop Up Video. I love that show. Even if I dont like what they are playing, I still watch it because I find what pops up (pun intended) very interesting.
VH1 may not be music related anymore, but Classic is. Seriously, I recoment looking into getting VH1 Classic if you dont already have it. well, if you like 60s-80s music. I can give you examples of what they show if you want, just pm me. I've alrady muffined the thread by blabbering on and on about Classic. Ok, I'm going to shut up now