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It Feels Like Christmas


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Age in Monkey's years! Haha! Kermit unwell...oh no...Bean with a pig-nose! Hahahaha. Piggy saying she could cancel her trip *sniff* No dogs allowed (hahaha!).

- That is all. Beau


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Poor Kermit with his stuffed up nose! But the jokes were abounding in this chapter! I think Janice's line was my favorite because it was just so Janice! Can't wait to read more!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Hokay peoples, as many of you have already noticed and/or guessed, I won't be finishing this story by midnight tonight...:stick_out_tongue: But I will finish it! Hopefully before 2006 starts...But it's like the song says about Christmas, "The message if we hear it, is make it last all year," :smile: So hopefully more tomorrow night!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good fight!...Fright? Flight? Eh, whatever...


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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I apparently missed s few chapters here, but I promise I'll get caught up. Great stuff there Prawn Fritters!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 9: A Sweet Reunion With a Friend or a Brother

Kermit rolled over in his bed, his head was throbbing. He looked out his open door and saw Dr. Teeth walk by the room, "C'mon Animal move that stuff!" Kermit heard a series of loud screeches and crashes.

"MOVE STUFF! MOVE STUFF!" Animal chanted as he pushed the band's equipment past Kermit's door.

Kermit scrunched up his face and put his pillow over his head. Just then, five penguins ran past the door. "You guys think we should help Zany carry those cue cards?" one of the penguins asked.

"Nah, he's been doing it in most of these stories by himself anyway," another said.

A sixth penguin walked by carrying a large stack of cue cards. "Thank you guys..." he said. Sudennly he tripped and fell down the stairs, and Kermit heard him crash into Animal and send him and all the band's equipment down with him.

"Go boom..." Kermit heard Animal sigh.

Crazy Harry jumped in front of Kermit's door. "DID SOMEBODY SAY BOOM?!" he cried.

"NO!" Kermit sat up and yelled, but it was too late, Crazy Harry pushed down on the dynamite plunger causing an explosion. He walked off cackling. Kermit had had it, he got out of bed and started to walk out. "Can't a frog get any sleep around here?!" he yelled. When he stepped out of his door he fell through a hole in the floor and landed in a pot the Swedish Chef was carrying over to a burner on the stove.

"Ouh! Froogy leg stoo!" the Chef said.

Kermit scrunched up his face. "Not even when I'm sick..." he sighed.


Meanwhile, back at the theater, Scooter and Clifford stood behind Kermit's desk backstage. "So Scoot," Clifford said. "We got Johnny Depp and Johnny Fiama singing a duet right?"

"Yep," Scooter wrote something down. "Right after Fozzie's monolouge."

The phone on the desk rang and Scooter and Clifford reached for it at the same time. They looked at each other. "Expecting a call Cliff?" Scooter asked.

"Maybe, what about you?" Clifford asked Scooter.

Scooter sighed. "Fine, yes I am, from Skeeter actually," he said.

"Aw dude, let me answer it then," Clifford pulled the phone out and answered it. "Hello, Muppet Theater, Clifford, your co-host with the most speaking," he said into the phone.

"Cliffy!" Skeeter; Scooter's twin sister; said from the other end. "Hey babe, I wasn't expecting to talk to you!"

"Right, well, Scoot stepped out for a bit, and Kerm's sick, so I was in charge of answering the phone," he said putting his free hand over Scooter's mouth so he couldn't protest.

"Oh, that's a bummer about Kermit, and I thought Scooter said he'd be there when I got to the theater," she said.

"Well, he may still have time to get here," Clifford said. "Where are ya?"

"Standing right behind you," she closed her cell-phone. "And I see my little brother got back in time for my arrival," she said.

"Heh heh," Clifford laughed. "Uh, yeah, turned out he was just upstairs for a bit, right Scoot?"

Scooter crossed his arms. "Right," he said.

Skeeter laughed. "What, no welcome hugs?" she asked.

Clifford grinned and walked over to hug Skeeter pushing Scooter out of the way. "Merry Christmas Skeet," he said as he hugged her.

Scooter stood up and dusted himself off. "Hey Scoot, be a good little bro and carry Skeet's things out to my car, I'll give her a ride to the boarding house a little later today," Clifford said, holding Skeeter's hand, she giggled a little.

Scooter glared at Clifford and picked up Skeeter's bags.

"Better put your coat on Scoot, it's chilly out there! Heh heh," Clifford laughed. "C'mon Skeet, I'll show you our new set for the show," he walked off hand in hand with Skeeter.

Scooter watched them leave and sighed, he started to walk out the door when Bobo the Bear cut in front of him. "Hey there boss, let me take those for ya," Bobo said grabbing Skeeter's bags.

Scooter handed them to him. "Why do you want to Bobo?" Scooter asked scratching his head.

"Oh, you know," Bobo said. "Hanukkah is a time of giving. You know I'm Jewish, that's why I celebrate Hanukkah," Bobo said.

"Oh, I didn't know you were Jewish Bobo," Scooter said. "Actually, one of our writers is Jewish," Scooter said.

Bobo turned around. "The coatrack is Jewish?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Good stuff here! Zany! I knew he's show up eventually! Skeeter! I love it! And I'm just guessing the Jewish writer is a reference to Lisa who is going to shower you with hugs. Great chapter! This may be one of your most humorous fan fics!


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Alright, I must make it known to all who read this, that Bobo is not actually known to be Jewish. But I needed to make him Jewish for that gag to work, but, if anyone asks why I chose Bobo...er...well, Baby Bear is Jewish (no fooling!) so...Bobo is now Baby Bear's uncle...:stick_out_tongue: Wow, I just keep adding more and more fiction to this fan-fiction...

Anyway! Moving on, prepare for the next chap. in the next post!! :excited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Chapter 10: It's All the Places We Find Love

Miss Piggy opened the taxi door and pulled out a small suitcase out of it with her. "It's always so nice to travel lightly," she said as she walked into the airport, while the taxi driver struggled with the rest of Miss Piggy's bags.

"What do you have in here?! Rocks?!" the driver asked.

"Oh no no no dear, just moi's make up, clothing, hair spray, hairbrushes, chainsaw, portable drum set, some double A batteries, and my toothbrush," she smiled.

"That explains alot," said the driver as he walked into the airport with Miss Piggy.

Piggy walked up to the clerk and set down her suitcase. "Hello dear, moi am here to board the plane to France," she pulled out her ticket from her coat. "Here's moi's ticket," she handed it to the clerk.

She verified the ticket. "Alright, and your license?"

"Pardon?" Piggy said.

"Your driver's license, I need it to allow you on the plane," she said.

"What?! No one ever said I needed to have my license!" Piggy cried.

"Yes they did, look at the back of the ticket," the clerk handed the ticket to Piggy.

Piggy read the back of the ticket. "When you arrive at the airport make sure you have all of the following, luggage, ticket, and driver's license?!" she read.

"Sorry ma'am but without the license I can't let you on the plane," the clerk said.

"Fine!" Piggy said angrily. "I'll just go home! I'm sure that they could use moi's kind of talent in the Christmas show anyway!" she began to walk off. "C'mon Louie let's bounce!" she called to the taxi driver. "Louie?" she looked around, the driver had dropped her luggage in the middle of the floor and left. "WHAT?!" she yelled.


Robin sat on the couch in the Muppet Boarding House. He stared at the chimney. "Only," he looked at the clock. "9 more hours until Santa comes!"

Animal walked behind the couch. "Santa?" he asked.

Robin turned around. "Yeah, you know, Santa Claus! Big guy, red suit, long beard! Ring a bell?"

The rest of the Electric Mayhem walked in and Zoot rang a cow bell on nearby cow. "Heh heh," he laughed.

"Ah, Santa Claus, Mr. C! The toy man, jello belly, the stocking stuffer!" Dr. Teeth laughed.

"Please," Gonzo said as he fell from the ceiling. "Don't tell me you believe in Santa Claus!"

"Yeah come on," Pops said. "How can one guy, travel all around the world, in one night?"

"Well, if there is no Santa, why do people write all of these rull cool songs about him?" Janice asked.

"Well people write songs about rainbows connecting, that's not really going to happen!" Gonzo said.

"How do you know man?" Floyd asked.

"I know because...uh...I know!" Gonzo said.

"That doesn't make any sense!" Floyd shouted.

Zoot immediately awoke from from a nap. "Wha'? Why are we making cents when it's more profitable to make dollars man?" Zoot asked.

"Go back to sleep Zoot," Dr. Teeth told him.

Robin had walked out of the room. He sighed. "Of course there's a Santa Claus," he reassured himself. "Where else would I get all those presents?" he thought for a moment. "That's it!" he shouted. "I have to ask Santa Claus to get my family back together!" he thought again. "But how will I get to the North Pole on Christmas eve?"

Just then, Johnny, Sal, and Bean walked in the door. "What are we gonna do Sal? We lost our guest star!"

"Well Johnny, uh, I guess we gotta tell Kermit and everyone else," Sal said.

"Don'tevenspeakofit!" Johnny said in one breath. "If we tell Kermit, he'll blame us! Bean has to tell the frog!"

"Me?!" Bean said. "What'd I do?! Besides, I gotta find Miss Piggy and get her license back to her!"

"That's it!" Robin said to himself. He ran out in front of Bean. "I'm going to see Miss Piggy right now," he said. "Let me take the license to her."

"Oh thank you Robin," Bean said as he handed the license to Robin.

Robin grabbed his backpack and ran out the door and pulled out his uncle's bicycle and began riding it in the direction of the airport.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ohhhh, sweet little Robin. He's just so innocent and childlike (in a good way) and it's so cute that he wants to ask Santa to get his family back together. I loved it! Keep it coming! :smile: