Is there any Sal Minilla merchandise?


Nov 21, 2008
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I know the Muppet action figure line was cancelled before we ever got a Sal Minilla figure, but have any prototypes or fan made figures ever popped up anywhere? Or Stuffies? I would LOVE to have SOMETHING of that crazy monkey!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi JenCat and welcome to Muppet Central. May I say it's nice to have a legitimate new member who brings a bit of excitement for the Muppets amidst all the spammers lately.

As for your question... There was a campaign by a former forum member to attempt and get a prototype from Ken Lilly, Director and Product Developer for the Muppets figure line... The plans were to then make copies of that figure for every forum member who contacted him, was interested in a copy, and could pony up the money for the endeavor. But that pipe dream fell by the way side. There was a prototype of Sal Minella that was sold on eBay, unfortunately I got snipped at the last second, as it sold for $1200 to another forum member by the name of MuppetNut. The only thing I can suggest in the way of anything even bearing Sal's likeness is the photo included with one of the three Johnny Fiama figures. Other than that, you'd probably have to search Muppet Wiki.

Hope this helps, and have fun exploring the rest of the forums.


Nov 21, 2008
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JenCat sad....

So, no Sal for me! Isz sad! I was SO excited when I heard there was gonna be one, then the line stopped right before... ARGH!

Thanks for the info! Getting a Sal figure made is definitely on my "If I win the lottery list," lol.

Any idea where I can get some good pics of him online?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... You can check his character page at Muppet Wiki, or ask for someone who could help out by sending you some screen grabs direct from the MT episodes. That reminds me, I need to get some pics of the Sal prototype too. Hope this helps.


Nov 21, 2008
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Thanks! I checked the wikia page, and got some pics and info I didn't have before. Must track down some of those DVDs! :smile:

Any idea why "Muppets Tonight" has never been released on DVD, and if it ever will be? VERY weird and sad that it hasn't been!

Oh, and how do I add an icon to my posts, like your pic of the Count?

THANKS for everything! :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi... Answering questions.
1 No, I don't know why MT hasn't been released on DVD yet... Nor do I have any inkling as to "if" it ever will. However, the person in charge of the Muppet Studios might, but I can't rully guarantee that... You'll just have to listen to this week's episode of the MuppetCast along with the rest of us to hear Steve Swanson's interview with Lyle Bryer.
2 You can get all of MT on DVD, just contact fellow forum member KermiClown and he'll most possibly help you out.
3 If you mean my avatar... You can check the Avatar Help thread in the Feedback section for getting a pic and adding it to your profile/posts. Mine in particular came from the masterpiece of Muppet art titled A Muppet Family Gathering, created by our own Vic Romano. Check his Weekly Creative Visuals thread in the FanFic & FanArt section, contact him to see if any of the characters included in that beauty are still available for avatar usage.

Hope this helps and have a good night.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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As far as an official release of Muppets Tonight on dvd, the plan at Disney since they acquired the brand is to get all the Muppet Show episodes out first (3 of 5 seasons have been released so far), and after they're all out there, then would come Muppets Tonight - which makes sense chronologically.

I'm actually a little disappointed that they haven't shown reruns on Disney Channel...yeah that's more because of the direction DC has gone the last several years - all bad teencoms that get repeated ad nauseum along with the rare movie showing which most of the time will also star the people in those same sitcoms. But if they did want to rev up the Muppet presence on Disney Channel, aside from brand new stuff like Studio DC, MT! would be a strong choice since (a) unlike The Muppet Show it wouldn't be in direct competition with the dvd box set sales and (b) it's more recent and has actually aged pretty well in terms of guests generally being still recognizable, etc.