But it seems that there's plenty of other characters with a long history that have yet to get any kind of such tribute from Sesame Street. I'd love to see compilations like that for mainstays like Herry Monster or maybe Prairie Dawn and some of the older retired crew like Sherlock Hemlock, Harvey Kneeslapper, Guy Smiley and the like.

You know, for april fools day I had considered posting fake news that I found some Best Buy exclusive DVDs focusing on Harvey Kneeslapper, Guy Smiley, and Roosevelt Franklin.
Another april fools day thread I had planned involved a fake announcement of a Sesame Street Superstars Collection, which featured only existing footage plus bonus features. I was going to say that the first batch would include Big Bird, Elmo, Abby, Telly, and Grover volumes, and the second batch would include Ernie, Bert, The Count, Cookie Monster, and Zoe volumes.
I even thought of mentioning some of the "featured" segments in the fake thread (in addition to thinking up several full personal wishlists). I was going to say that the Big Bird volume would include: "ABC-DEF-GHI" (wasn't going to say which version, but I would have chosen the early 1970s one), "A New Habitat", "Admiral Bird", "Number 4 Show", "Imaginary Disco", "Big Bird Meets Mister Rogers", "Wish You Were Here: Fishing Trip", and more! Bonus features would have included "The Evolution of Big Bird" featurette and bonus season one Big Bird moments.
The Elmo one would have included such segments as "Elmo's Song", "Kermit News: Reporter Game", "Beat the Time", "Love with Winston the Dolphin", "Monsterpeice Theater: Hamlet", "Happy and Sad with Kermit", "Share", "Song About Elmo", "Super Grover & Super Elmo", "A Doll for Elmo", and more, plus bonus feature "Evolution of Elmo" featurette and six pre-Kevin Clash Elmo segments.
For the Grover idea, I was going to say it would have "Near and Far", "Grover's Restaurant: Big Burger", "Super Grover & Super Annette Benning", "Ray Ramano: Frusterated", "Monsterpeice Theater: Monsters with Dirty Faces", "Alphabet Secret", "Fire in the Forest", "Proud of Me", "Red and Blue", "Outrageous Makeover: Home Addition", and more! as well as some bonus Grover sketches from the first season.
The Telly idea would have listed such skits as ""See the Triangles Go By", "Shapes in my Room", "Ask Oscar: Discussions", "Oscar and Telly's Road Trip", "Monsterpiece Theater: Waiting for Elmo", and more, as well as "The Evolution of Telly" featurette, all street scenes from Telly's debut, and five "Brian Meehl as Telly" segments.
And finally, the Abby Cadabby idea would have included such moments as "Abby Moves to Sesame Street", "Because We're Friends", "A Piece of Paper", "Name That Habitat: Camel", "Kids with Wings", and more! as well as three episodes of "Abby's Flying Fairy School".
If only my april fools jokes could come true (though some more-or-less do).