I don't usually LIKE to discuss politics because everybody has a different view, but my opinion is that ALL parties have their hand in oil, or gas stocks. You can't tell me that Democrats don't have their hand in those stocks as well because if it was up to them, since they ARE running the senate and the house, that they could put a stop to the gas prices going higher. But, that doesn't seem to be a priority right now. I think that this was pretty much inevitable. Not just gas, but stuff like this in general. As generations go, stuff gets more and more expensive. Milk in my grandparents day used to cost a nickel. Yeah, let's blame that BIG increase on the president, because he doesn't have enough on his plate already. I wouldn't WANT his job, even if I thought I knew all the answers. I wouldn't wanna be in his position because it seems that it's a double edged sword. If he were to do this, he'd be attacked, if he were to do the opposite of that he'd be attacked. I say that unless we elect somebody with common sense, and not a career politician like we have been, we're kinda screwed. Don't tell me what I wanna hear, just tell me what you can do, straight up, no bull.