I actually have to say I agree with Byron. I'm just not that excited about it. When Jerry was alive and it looked like he and Jocelyn Stevenson would be involved, I was excited. And I was excited cause I knew they "got it". they would hit their mark. They would deliver something that would be poignant and funny and relevant and zant and..you know, fraggles. Sadly, my excitement for this died with Jerry.
I get nervous when I see them talkng about 'celebrity cameos' and various 'famous' musicians writing specialo songs for it. Truthfully, even the idea of taking the Fraggles out of the Fraggle world and into our world *aside form Travelling Matt of course) even makes me a little apprehensive. Because that's not what Fraggles is to me.
You want to do celebrity cameos, save that for a Muppet movie. And even then, some of those have just been lead ballons that stop the story short for no good reason (I'M TALKING TO YOU, CAST OF DAWSON'S CREEK!!!! I'M TALKING TO YOU!!! ...and you tell your buddy, Hollywood Hogan to stay outta my Muppet films too.) Fraggle Rock is about Fraggles. It's about Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober and Red. It's not about Whoopi Goldberg winking at the camera, or Matthew Lillard being silly with Wembley. It's about the characters, first and foremost and I think when you introduce the celebrity cameo into this world, you start taking people out of it. That's kind of what sets Fraggles apart.
You want a soundtrack by Elton John or Phil Collins, save that for Disney. Why? Cause Fraglle music has a special feel to it. It's organic. it comes from those characters and those situations. Not from some singer/songwriter trying to get his name into a movie to impress his kids.
And as for taking them out into the world, well, where's the escapism in that? I've seen the real world. I look out my window every day and I see the world. The fun of Fraggles for me is the escapism of it. It's kind of like what I said earlier about the cameos. You're just taking people out of that world. What sets Fraggle Rock apart is that it isn't our world but we can see a bit if ourselves in it. We you try to reflect the mirror directly on us, we look away instead of looking in. Based on the most recent interview with Mr. Zappa, it sounds to me more like he's latched onto the gag of seeing Travelling Matt misunderstand humans and he's trying to make an 80 minute movie out of that. Sorry, but again, if you do that, you miss the point of what Fraggle Rock is about.
Anyway, those are my current feelings on it. I'm sure I'll go see it when it comes out and who knows, I may be pleasantly surprised. bun concerning the last few "Muppet" projects I've seen and the current direction I see this project going in, right now, I just can't get too excited for it.
What do you think, Gobo?
Yeah, I think he agrees.