- A dub of Kermit's "African Alphabet" song; I always thought the Hebrew version sounded awkward because (a) their alpbabet is shorter and (b) more letter names had two syllables where the English have one. Plus, I always wanted to know what their "keyword for every letter" story said!

- A dub of "Hace Calor (It Sure Is Hot!)"; I recall the new girl's name being changed to Elisheva on Shalom Sesame, and the key phrase being Cham me'od hayom.
I'm REALLY hoping those videos you're looking for aren't by a certain YT user. There are 2 that have posted a LOT of Rechov Sumsum/Shalom Sesame clips... one was banned for posting some other Hebrew dubbed TV and cartoon theme song clips. I just can't remember which one, and I hope they have a backup account with the Rechov clips back up.
Seriously, the Moomin people have NO sense of humor.
EDIT... okay, Nirbas was the one who got banned (again, copyrights of OTHER things besides Rechov Sumsum, so those clips are safe for now, I guess) and it looks like HE was the one who had those two you were looking for.
anyway, at least for the trouble I took to look, "Two names are Batter than One"