And speaking of Sesame Street in Norwegian...
One of my subscriptions (a user named "barndomsminner", which means "childhood memories") has a TON of clips from Norwegian kids' shows. About a third of those are from Sesame Street; he (she?) seems especially fond of dubbed Bert and Ernie clips.
Besides the Muppet dubs, I found a few more 1970s animations that made it to Norway's version of Sesame Street in the 90s. Here are some you might recognize:
Counting 1-10 and back...with a few problems (I haven't seen the English version in years....)
Numbers 1-20 on a boat
Rube Goldberg alphabet (I'm surprised to see this one dubbed, since Norwegian has
29 letters in its alphabet!)
An assortment of kidvid clips from various shows, which includes the
opera-singing orange (beginning at time marker 2:47). Wonder how children over there reacted?