I'm personally to big a sissy to do anything myself, and I hate the chance of loss of life of our soldiers, but everyone who is yelling "Don't attack Iraq" has to be insane as Hussein.

Unless I'm mistaken, 10 years or so ago he was supposed to follow the resolution by the UN and destroy all warheads, he didn't. Resolution after resolution has been passed against him, and he is absolutely NOT following through (someone who follows news better than I should speak up).
When this is the case, the UN cannot allow it to continue, and yet the USA is the only backboned enough country to do anything about it and stop his mockery of international laws.
Not only this, but he's openly admitted to having supported Bin Laden and his plights of terrorism on the world.
Should we stop the search for Bin Laden and go after Hussein? No. Go after Hussein? Heck yeah, especially if he is supporting terrorism when it kills 3000+ innocents in one country alone.
All these folks saying "No war" or shouting for "peace" are lost in the fact how he even treats his own people. How about his crazy son who had a woman brought to him and when she refused to *ahem* 'lay with him' the brat of Saddam KILLED the woman (or rather, had her killed).
I don't blame other countries for not wanting to see it happen, but for crying out loud! When it's happening ON your own soil, you should definitely NOT be out there ranting 'no revenge.'
I personally haven't had anyone lost to terrorism or war, and I don't want the casualties, but when there is the stake of more lives at hand, and you have a freak like Saddam sitting there thumbing a 'fire' button with bombs aimed at US, Europe, etc, you can't just sit there and wait til it happens.
Even now, he's way past due on his agreements based on the UN resolutions after the Gulf War.
*Awaits the flaming retorts of his comrades.*
The other thing, too; the US Military have to be drunk to just announce when they're going to attack. I suppose they don't like to sucker punch folks, I dunno. But whenever "I" attack small freaked-out dictatorship countries, I never tell when.