I'm going to send a copy of this out via PM or E-mail to all members associated with this thread. If there are concerns or problems, please PM me. If you were for or against this thread is not my concern, but I want to be sure that everyone does see this post and understands it.
Moderation Post:
Okay, this may offend some folks in the way I have to say this. This is a "family forum," and people have children who attend this forum and read its contents. A parent should be able to trust that their child can visit a public forum based around something that is 'family oriented' without having to worry about their child asking questions about the things discussed in these forums.
In the last thread on this topic, I felt that toward the end of it all it was getting "too deep," too much information than what needed to be shared on a family forum.
I agree that we have friends here and want advice or to share in our life experiences, but all it takes is common sense to know what to say, how to say it, and how much is too much to say in a family forum! Why should there have to be rules as to where to draw the line in conversation? As a human being we are given common sense to know where to draw the line without needing rules to specify that. Basically, if you want to share your own life experiences and get into this much detail, there are places to do that: blogs, self-forums, websites, e-mails to particular friends, internet chatrooms...it is NOT appropriate past a certain point to discuss such things on a family forum.
The next thing is that parents trust a family forum that their kids can visit, and while someone might say, "These topics are okay, I wouldn't mind my kid reading this and asking questions later," you must keep in mind that your rules change! I have friends with kids and I can make fun of them now because they do exactly opposite how they said they would raise their kids before they had kids.
"They discussed this on Sesame Street," might be said. Well, in the last thread on this topic there were portions in the beginning that were socially acceptable versions of discussion, but when it got away from that I closed the thread. Same as this thread is going to be closed.
I'm sorry if someone doesn't appreciate the work I'm doing here to keep MC a family oriented and fun place, but I'm trying. I just don't think there should have to be as much moderating as I'm having to do these days. Is it so hard to think before posting anymore that folks just go all out and post the first thing in their minds and we end up in flame wars or inappropriate topics of discussion? Just THINK, people. Ask yourself, "Will this be sufficient or appropriate for this type of forum? I like these people and want them to be a part of this discussion. Should I maybe post this elsewhere and invite folks over?"
I don't appreciate the fact that I'm having to do so much moderation here, gang. You all know I like everybody and I do everything I can to keep this a good, clean, safe place for folks to come in and post to one another and continue a legacy of friendship forged by the works of Jim Henson because that's what this is: A Muppets Fan Forum--a forum to discuss his works. I only want to see folks participating in decent fun conversations, and a lot of the regulars, who should know better, seem to not understand how to do that.
We've all be taught there are places and times, and at this time this just isn't the place. Sorry.