I'm going to try out the Salvation Army


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I'm so happy your first day went so well, Marty! That's really great. I hope each day continues to be even more wonderful and fulfilling. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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It looks greatly promising. My second Sunday is coming up. And I've still been allowed to come along and work at St.Vincent de Paul's Welfare Center on Monday. That makes me happy.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Second Sunday was great. The Majors are back from their holidays and Colin's wife Pam spoke about various bridges using it as an illustration of how we are called in our lives to build spiritual bridges across the chasm of sin so others can be led to Christ. Jesus Himself is ultimately the only bridge to God for all people, Jew and Gentile, and the way we live our lives must glorify Him so that others can see the Cross stretched out across the chasm to God the Father. I'm going to hear a guest speaker at the church on Thursday night on effective evangelism. I know God wants me to go because it will follow on perfectly from the message of Major Pam's sermon. :excited:
And Major Colin has promised to loan me some books so that I can learn more about the Salvation Army. I know I'm following the pathway God has marked out for me personally.
Others have their own path to find elsewhere. The Army is not the only way to follow Jesus and God in His infinite Wisdom knows where each individual Christian best belongs. It is up to us to discern where that is for ourselves. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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Yay, that's terrific, Marty! I am so happy that things are going well and working out wonderfully for you so far. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Salvation Army was terrific today. Instead of a standard worship service there was a musical concert involving the kids of the church and other kids who are part of their music and other social children's groups for the general community.
One lady officer did preach a brief mini-sermon though, and they had the offering collection. They explained that visiting parents with their children shouldn't feel like they had to give any money when the bags were distributed among the seats.
It was very enjoyable. Makes a rather nice change from the usual sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I just want to say I'm learning so many wonderful things about the Army in some books people have loaned me.
I've read "God's Army" a general account of Salvation Army history and I'm nearly finished "Thank God for the Salvo's" a historical account of the Army specifically in my own country, Australia.

And I'm also nearing the end of "Salvation Story" the official Handbook of the Army's Doctrine or Teachings.

I feel very blessed the more I find out. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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I'm so glad this is going so well for you, Marty! I hope it continues to be such a wonderful blessing in your life. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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I kind of know what your going through with chagning churches/Religons. I have been rasied Baptist, and for years i went to church faithfully. When ever the church doors where open I was there learning the things of the Lord and what he wants from me as one of his children. I was even called to preach at the age of 15, and by the time i was 17 i was doing many works for the Lord. Through the Lord's help i was able to work on the buses of the church, preach in the Nursing homes, go out and be a wittnesse, work with the youth of the church, and the one that change my life the most going to dowtown Nashville in front of the bars and talk to people about the Lord. Yes at one time my spititual life was going strong. I was close to the Lord and really seeing him do wonderfull things in not just my life but in the lifes of others around me.
Things where going great, but then little problems started comming into my life. I was getting into some very unheathy relationships, and they where startting to pull me away from the things of the Lord. My life was going dowhill fast, and it was affecting my tesmeony as well. I even started a fight at church (In the Youth group i was a leader in) with another guy over a girl i thought i loved. I had finaly hit rock bottom, not only in my spititual life,but in my whole life as well. I needed a change,but did not know where to look for that change. Then i met a girl online by the name of Charlotte, and there was my change. Charlotte was at that time a very confused and needed a lot of guidance, and i needed someone to help because i wanted to be a hero. To make this already long story a little bit shorter, i ended up moving from Tn to Florida where Charlotte was. This was a big change for me, but something was still not right. I had changed a lot on the outside but on the inside i was still running from God. Then one day i knew the Lord wanted me to come back to him, and to this day I know he still does. God has something instored for my life, I know that. I am like you are and I am still searching and seeking what God wants for me in my life. Comming back to the Lord after falling so far back is very hard, but with the grace of God I will be a stronger Chistian then i ever was.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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My prayers go out to you Dwayne. Remember no matter how often we fail Him, He is always waiting for us to return to Him with His loving open arms. Just like the father in the parable Jesus told about the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Thanks I think i will read that for my Bible study tomorow morning.