I'm going to try out the Salvation Army


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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I've decided I need to make a move towards finding out what God really does want of me. So I've explained to my friend Ian who sponsored me for membership as a Catholic that for the next few weeks I won't be attending church at the Parish. I will be going along regularly to the Salvation Army and test the waters before diving in to see if God is leading me this way or not.

Ian is a very good friend and though he feels disappointed that I think God may be going to call me out of the Catholic Church he hopes I find what I am looking for. I certainly hated to disappoint him but this is something I must do. I have had a feeling in my mind that God had a plan for me elsewhere ever since the day the young Catholic woman I was attracted to told me straight out by e-mail that we were not meant for marriage. And with the things about Catholicism I was finding hard to accept without her guiding influence upon me by the example of her strong faith I have known that I could not settle down as a Catholic without her by my side.

I don't profess to know the Salvation Army is my final destination and so I'm not going to become a member unless I'm 100% certain of God's will for me. I have considered the possibility of serving God in the clergy of the Salvos but when Major Colin and his wife get back from their holidays I shall make an appointment to see him and discuss and pray about this with him.

I know you will all pray for me as well and I thank you and wish God's blessings for you.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2006
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What you have decided is wonderful, Marty! I'm very sorry you feel bad about disappointing Ian, but as you know, you've got to do what you feel is right for you. And I think it's so great that you're trying to do just that!

As always, I wish you the absolute best! And I very much hope you find what you're meant for. You are in my thoughts and prayers. :smile:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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You scared me to the next life time!
I thought you were to join the military!
I was going to wail and beckon you not to go.
(Bad experiences when I was to nearly join the Air Force until this nutcase started to ramble on about spies hounding after the greatest criminal, Charles Chaplin...told yah he was nuts)

The salvation army--that's so generous of you and it is still a little risky (I'm paranoid), but not enough to drive you mad--only doing amazing social work and the like. I wish you the best.

:smile: If you ever do decide to join.

Love yah, buddy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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I'm glad you're trying to follow your path, Bill. No matter what people around think is right for you, even if they have good intentions, only you can decide that. I know that your faith is very important to you, so I think you are being very brave.
You're always been much more spiritually oriented than me, but I think it's because you don't get discouraged as easily. I once had a priest tell me during confession that I should stop going to my mum's church with her because she's Protestant, and that experience has left me with a hefty amount of skepticism. But the way I see it, actively considering what you believe and exploring the best path for you is really amazing and vitally important to a healthy spiritual relationship; and not everyone gets that far, so good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Wish God's blessings to you to as you continue your walk with him and serving him! Just continue to pray that The Lord well give you guidance and lead you to where you should go and where he wants you to be.

I'll be praying for you, Marty.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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God bless you too William. My first day of my new beginning went well. November 4th 2007 at the Army Worship Center.
The sermon really spoke to my heart. In order to prosper in the Christian life you need to 1. Rely upon God
2. Give everything over to God's care and concern
and 3. Meditate upon God's Word (Bible)

I shall always remember and practice that. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Glad to hear it's going well for you so far. I hope things go well for you in your walk with Christ where ever you end up going.