me: *hands guy at post office post card*
dude: uhh I can't mail this
me: why? I put a stamp on it!
dude: well this isnt' an address
me: yes it is! I put it right there!!
dude: no, I need a street address *looks at names* are those even real people...the only name that looks real is Phillip Chapman.
me: what do you mean? there's Super Scooter, beaker, radionate, King Prawn, drspy00, Crazy Harry, and a whole lot fact I didn't have enough room to write a message!
dude: ok...yeah I'll send this.....
me: OK! *skips off happily*
dude: *throws postcard in trash*
don't worry, I'll shake em up and boogy on down
I almost fear everyone there will be geeky, but if they are as geeky as I am, it'll all be good!